Time-Dependent Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Creep Behavior of Radially Polarized FGPM Rotating Cylinder
Subject Areas : EngineeringA Ghorbanpour Arani 1 * , R Kolahchi 2 , A.A Mosallaie Barzoki 3 , A Loghman 4
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan---
Thermoelasticity Center of Excellence, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan
4 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan
Keywords: Time-dependent, Thermo-electro-mechanical creep, Stress histories, Electric potential histories, FGPM Rotating cylinder,
Abstract :
Time-dependent creep analysis is crucial for the performance and reliability of piezoactuators used for high-precision positioning and load-bearing applications. In this study history of stresses, deformations and electric potential of hollow rotating cylinders made of functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM), e.g., PZT_7A have been investigated using Mendelson’s method of successive elastic solution. Loading is composed of an internal pressure, a distributed temperature field, an inertia body force and a constant electric potential difference between the inner and outer surfaces of the FGPM cylinder. All the mechanical, thermal and piezoelectric properties are assumed to be the same power functions of the radial graded direction. Using equations of equilibrium, strain displacement, stress-strain relation and the electric potential equation a differential equation containing creep strains for displacement is derived. A semi-analytical method in conjunction with the method of successive approximation has therefore been proposed for this analysis. It has been found that a major redistribution for electric potential take place throughout the thickness. Electric potentials are increasing with time in the same direction as the compressive radial stress histories. That is the electric potential histories are induced by the compressive radial stress histories during creep deformation of the FGPM cylinder.
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