شناسایی و اولویتبندی عوامل مؤثر بر بهرهوری صنایع تولیدی (موردمطالعه: صنایع دارویی و لوازم خانگی استان گیلان)
محورهای موضوعی : مهندسی صنایعحمزه امین طهماسبی 1 * , ندا کریمی 2 , مهدی زارع پور 3 , سید اسماعیل مقدس 4
1 - دانشیار گروه مهندسی صنایع، دانشکده فنی مهندسی شرق گیلان، دانشگاه گیلان،ایران
2 - استادیار گروه مهندسی صنایع، دانشکده فنی مهندسی شرق گیلان، دانشگاه گیلان،ایران
3 - کارشناس ارشد مهندسی صنایع، موسسه غیرانتفاعی راهبرد شمال، رشت، ایران
4 - کارشناس ارشد مدیریت بازرگانی، سازمان صنعت، معدن و تجارت گیلان،ایران
کلید واژه: بهرهوری, صنایع تولیدی, صنایع دارویی, صنایع لوازم خانگی, استان گیلان,
چکیده مقاله :
در دنیای کنونی یکی از مهمترین عوامل توسعۀاقتصادی کشور، ارتقای بهرهوری صنایع تولیدی است. شناسایی عوامل مؤثر بر بهرهوری صنایع تولیدی و اولویتبندی آنها در ارتقای بهرهوری مؤثر بوده و میتواند نویدبخش دستیابی به بهرهوری سازمانی و ملی باشد. هدف از انجام این پژوهش، شناسایی عوامل مؤثر بر ارتقای بهرهوری صنایع تولیدی است. روش پژوهش حاضر، توصیفی- پیمایشی و ابزار گردآوری دادهها، پرسشنامه میباشد؛ در گام نخست، با توجه به بررسیهای صورت گرفته از مرور پیشینۀ تحقیق به روش تطبیقی، مطالعات کتابخانهای و نظرخواهی از خبرگان، عوامل بالقوه مؤثر بر بهرهوری صنایع شناسایی و مورد تجزیهوتحلیل قرار گرفت. سپس عوامل در قالب چهار دسته اصلی تقسیم شده و با استفاده از پرسشنامه و تلفیق نظرات خبرگان، عوامل نهایی تعیین گردیدند. سپس میزان اهمیت عوامل منتخب با استفاده از روش تصمیمگیری Fuzzy SWARA مشخص شد و در پایان رتبهبندی صنایع منتخب استان به روش MOORA صورت گرفت. نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نشان داد که عوامل "حاشیه سود"، "نسبت فروش بر داراییهای جاری" و "نسبت صادرات بر فروش" به ترتیب دارای بیشترین میزان اهمیت بوده و در میان صنایع دارویی و لوزم خانگی استان که در بورس اوراق بهادار حضور دارند، شرکت کاسپین تأمین با امتیاز بهرهوری 437/0 دارای بالاترین میزان بهرهوری میباشد.
In today's world, one of the most important factors of the country's economic development is improving the productivity of manufacturing industries. Identifying factors affecting the productivity of manufacturing industries and prioritizing them is effective in promoting productivity and can promise to achieve organizational and national productivity. The purpose of this research is to identify the effective factors in improving the productivity of manufacturing industries. The present research method is descriptive-survey and the data collection instrument is a questionnaire. In the first step, based on the review of the related literature, using a comparative method, and asking expert opinions, potential factors affecting the productivity of industries were identified and analyzed. Then, the factors were divided into four main categories and the selected factors were determined by using a questionnaire and incorporating the expert opinions. Then, the importance of the selected factors was determined using the Fuzzy SWARA decision-making method, and the final ranking of the selected industries of the province was done using the MOORA method. The results showed that the "profit margin", "ratio of sales to current assets" and " ratio of exports to sales" factors, respectively, have the highest importance and among the pharmaceutical and household appliances industries of the province that are present in the stock exchange. Caspian tamin company has the highest productivity with a productivity score of 0.437.
Key Words: productivity, manufacturing industries, pharmaceutical industries, household appliances industries, Guilan province
An improvement in economic situation is achieved through the improvement in productivity (i.e., better use of resources to achieve more outputs). Productivity is known as the concept of efficient and effective use of inputs and production factors (Heidranjad, 1402). Productivity growth provides an opportunity for society that leads to an increase in the welfare of society members (Bakhshali et al.) Also, productivity improvement occurs when there are systems in place to ensure that all key performance indicators are monitored to meet all demands. These indicators refer to quality, efficiency and low cost (Peswa et al., 2022). The term productivity was first proposed by François Kenneth in 1766 (Norouzi et al., 2019). Productivity has different definitions in different fields and usually all these definitions have the same meaning. Mathematically, productivity is a ratio of outputs to inputs. Output means the amount of product used and input means the different or diverse resources used in production. Productivity is the ratio of output to all resources used to produce that input, which can be heterogeneous or homogeneous. These resources include (raw materials, labor, energy, capital, etc.) (Fattah & Paslaski, 2023).
- Literature Review
So far, a lot of research has been done regarding the calculation and comparison of the productivity of different companies and organizations, however, the presentation of a model for calculating the productivity of manufacturing industries has a more limited background, some of which are mentioned below.
In their study, Barsa et al. (2018) estimated the factors affecting technical efficiency in 418 manufacturing industries in Africa during 2010-2012 using the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) method. The results showed that domestic research and development and foreign technology have negative effects on technical efficiency; nevertheless, a combination of foreign technology and internal research and development and foreign technology and human capital development (HCD) each reinforces each other's effects on technical efficiency. Eisazadeh and Majidpour (2016) in order to analyze the productivity of the total factors of production used factors such as technological progress, technical efficiency changes, allocative efficiency and scale effects in manufacturing industries. To this end, the random frontier model was used during the years 1379-93. The results of the study indicate that 21 industrial groups had growth in technological progress. In terms of using technology and technical efficiency, most industries were weak but they were high in economies. Also, allocation efficiency has been low in all industries except the recycling group. Amiri and Hadinejad (2013) evaluated and analyzed productivity indicators in manufacturing industries using the pyramid technique. In this regard, six indicators of labor productivity, capital productivity, energy efficiency, total factor productivity, percentage of net profit margin and per capita sales were examined in five industries of automotive, steel, mining, petrochemical and basic metals from 1387 to 1391, and the results showed more favorable state of productivity indicators in the steel industry in the years under review while the highest level of productivity was achieved in manufacturing industries in general in 1391 and this value was the lowest in 1389.
- Methodology
The current research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection since it deals with the identification of factors affecting the productivity of manufacturing industries in Gilan province. To carry out the research, the related literature was reviewed in the first step to identify the dimensions and factors of productivity measurement. Also, the opinions of academic experts, managers and related experts in the organization of industry, mining and trade as well as manufacturing industries were surveyed. In this way, the factors affecting the productivity of the industry were determined. To choose the decision-making model, different single and combined methods were examined in different articles. After the primary factors were identified, questionnaires were given to research experts and they were asked to rate these factors using a five-point Likert scale. In order to combine the opinions, the arithmetic mean of the points was calculated and the order of the factors is determined. The acceptance limit of the final factors based on the Friedman test was at least 0.7.
According to Saati (2002), the existence of ten experts in expert-based decision-making methods is enough. Therefore, in this research, twelve experts who were selected using the available intelligent method with the following characteristics were selected:
a-Experts and managers of the pharmaceutical and home appliance industries of Gilan province who have at least a master's degree and 10 years of experience in managerial positions in industry.
b-Specialists and managers who are working in the General Department of Industry, Mining and Trade of Gilan Province with at least a bachelor's degree and 15 years of management experience in management and deputy positions.
Moreover, to control the reliability of factor weighting questionnaires and pairwise comparisons, the point of views of university professors with doctoral degrees in industrial engineering or industrial management were used. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaires, content validity was also used.
- Result
In the first step, by studying the background, 27 primary factors were identified and then, using the opinions of university professors, they were classified into four categories: improvement and increase in sales revenue, increase in output, optimal use of labor force, and optimal use of capital. Then the opinions of the experts were obtained based on the Likert scale and the arithmetic mean of the points was calculated. According to determining the value of 0.7 as the acceptable limit, 9 factors were selected as the final factors. In the next step, in order to rank manufacturing industries using the MOORA decision-making method, the performance of manufacturing industries was collected based on real data and information from the Kodal system or by visiting the companies in person. After quantitative calculations by Moora's method, Caspian Tamin Company got the highest score with a score of 0.437 and Soban Oncology Company got the lowest score with a score of 0.224. Also, Pars Shahab companies with a score of 0.418, Soban Daro with a score of 0.335 and Pars Khazar with a score of 0.308 were ranked 2 to 4.
- Discussion
One of the main goals of economic planning of any country is to increase economic growth in order to improve the quality of life in society, which is possible in two ways: increasing productivity and increasing investment. However, in the current economic recession and the impossibility of large-scale investment in various sectors, the importance of increasing productivity becomes more apparent. In a general analysis, productivity can be mentioned as a panacea for Iran's sick economy, whose focusing and emphasizing is the solution to many of the country's economic problems. For this purpose, in this research, in the first step, the category of factors and productivity factors, according to the background of the research and library studies were determined. The result of this stage was the identification of four categories of main factors (improvement and increase in sales revenue, increase in output, optimal use of labor force and optimal use of capital) and 27 factors effective in increasing the productivity of industrial units. According to the results of the first questionnaire, 9 factors out of 27 factors evaluated in the questionnaire were chosen by the experts as selected factors. In the following, the selected factors were weighted using the fuzzy SWARA method, and the profit margin was ranked first, the ratio of sales to current assets was ranked second, and the ratio of exports to sales was ranked third. Finally, the final ranking was done using the MOORA method.
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