"To avoid delays in the review process and timely publication of the article, please pay attention to the following points."
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Guide for Authors
Articles submitted to this journal that do not adhere to the content mentioned in these guidelines will be returned for necessary revisions to align with the requirements of the journal. Submission of an article implies that it has not been previously published (except as a conference abstract or part of a published thesis), has not been simultaneously submitted to other journals, has the consent of all authors and those who have directly or indirectly contributed to the work, and that it will not be published elsewhere in the same form or language without written permission from the publisher if accepted.
Articles must be written following the full guidelines for Persian writing, and the use of foreign terms should be avoided if appropriate Persian equivalents are available. If a suitable Persian replacement is not common or appropriate, transcription of the original term in Latin characters can be used, with the original Latin word placed in parentheses or as a footnote.
Types of Acceptable Articles
The journal accepts the following types of articles:
Original Research Articles: These are scientific reports of original research studies. These articles should include a detailed English abstract, an introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusions, ethical considerations, adherence to research ethics, conflict of interest, acknowledgments, and references.
Review Articles: These articles cover all studies related to a new scientific topic. Review articles are usually requested by the editorial board from qualified experts, but unsolicited review articles will also be considered. Unsolicited review articles will undergo the usual evaluation process. A review article will only be accepted if submitted by distinguished authors with extensive research experience and a prominent position in the relevant field.
The corresponding author of a review article must have at least 3 references from the sources cited at the end of the article. The number of references must be at least 30. These articles should include a detailed English abstract (which does not need to be structured), an introduction, methods of research (including search methods and the types and numbers of resources accessed, such as books, journals, websites, etc.), discussion, conclusions, ethical considerations, adherence to research ethics, conflict of interest, acknowledgments, and references.
Case Reports: These articles will only be published if they report a rare or exceptional case. These articles should include a detailed English abstract (which does not need to be structured), an introduction, case introduction, discussion, ethical considerations, adherence to research ethics, conflict of interest, acknowledgments, and references.
Short Reports: These articles describe significant scientific progress from ongoing and completed research in areas such as sports sciences or medicinal plants, and include shorter data compared to original research articles. These articles should include a detailed English abstract (which does not need to be structured), an introduction, subject, discussion, ethical considerations, adherence to research ethics, conflict of interest, acknowledgments, and references.
Letters to the Editor: These often include comments and writings from readers about the latest published articles. In some cases, if the author wishes to submit content for discussion or to inform readers, they can submit this type of article.
Article Structure
General Principles
The article structure should include a short abstract (250 words), a detailed English abstract (950 to 1100 words, including: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion), the introduction, Literature Review,The Area under Study, methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and recommendations, and references.
Submission Guidelines
When submitting the article, the following points should be considered:
The article should be submitted in two versions: "Complete" and "Anonymous" in electronic format. The anonymous version should not include the title page or acknowledgments.
All lines in both versions ("Complete" and "Anonymous") should be numbered consecutively.
Each submitted article must be accompanied by a letter signed by all authors containing the following:
- Information about any previous publication of the article (such as conferences, publication in other journals, etc.) and confirmation that it has not been submitted simultaneously to other journals.
- Confirmation that all authors approve of the article's content.
- Identification of the corresponding author (and, if needed, the liaison author).
- Agreement on the order of authors’ names.
On the first page (title), the complete article title, full names of authors, highest degree, academic level and field of study, university or affiliated institution, academic rank or organizational position of each author (both in Persian and English), and postal address, phone, fax, and email of all authors should be provided.
Keywords for both the English and Persian abstracts should be based on the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) list.
Acknowledgments should be added after the conclusion section. The authors must acknowledge the centers or sources of their support. Please provide full names of supporting centers or sources.
All references must be documented, accurate, and relevant. The author should ensure their accuracy. Since it is not feasible for the editorial board and reviewers to verify the accuracy of references in full, the corresponding author is responsible for this and should recheck them before submission to minimize errors.
In this journal, references should follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style for in-text citations and final references, using the latest version of this guideline. Additionally, the Latin characteristics of references in Persian sources should be formatted according to the expected style.
Examples of APA citation style:
Single Author Article
Fukugawa, N. (2022). Effects of the quality of science on the initial public offering of university spinoffs: evidence from Japan. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4439-4455.
Article with Two Authors
Haunschild, R., & Bornmann, L. (2022). Relevance of document types in the scores’ calculation of a specific field-normalized indicator: Are the scores strongly dependent on or nearly independent of the document type handling?. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4419-4438.
Article with Three Authors
Vakkari, P., Chang, Y. W., & Järvelin, K. (2022). Largest contribution to LIS by external disciplines as measured by the characteristics of research articles. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4499-4522.
Article with More Than Three Authors
Wheeler, J., Pham, N. M., Arlitsch, K., & Shanks, J. D. (2022). Impact factions: assessing the citation impact of different types of open access repositories. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4977-5003.
**DOI or DOR should be included for each reference**
Rajabzadeh, M., Elahi, S., Hasanzadeh, A., & Mehraeen, M. (2022). Internet of Things in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review Using the Paradigm Funnel Approach. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 37(1), 59-82. https://doi: 10.52547/jipm.37.1.59