Anodic stripping voltammetry determination of Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu in blood samples of children in some areas of Ibb governorate
Subject Areas : Journal of the Iranian Chemical ResearchNabil A.F. Alhemiary 1 * , Mohamad A.H. Al-Duais 2 , Ali A. Mutair 3 , Anwar A. Wassel 4 , Bassam M. Alshrabi 5 , Bilal A. Albadany 6
1 - Department of Chemistry,, Faculty of Science , University of Ibb, Ibb, Yemen
2 - Department of Chemistry,, Faculty of Science , University of Ibb, Ibb, Yemen
3 - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Taiz, Ibb, Yemen
4 - Department of Chemistry,, Faculty of Science , University of Ibb, Ibb, Yemen
5 - Department of Chemistry,, Faculty of Science , University of Ibb, Ibb, Yemen
6 - Department of Chemistry,, Faculty of Science , University of Ibb, Ibb, Yemen
Keywords: Heavy metals, Children, blood, Determination, Anodic stripping voltammtery,
Abstract :
Anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu in blood samples of 132 children was developed. The children's ages range was between 6 months and 6 years and the samples were collected from different areas of Ibb governorate (Yemen). We used anodic stripping voltammetry for analyzing and determination of cited metals in the blood of all children. Large variation in the results have been correlated to the area inhabited, age differences and other factors. It was found that areas, which have environmental struts such as waste solid and waste water, had more quantities of these metals in blood samples in comparison with other safer sites. This is may be due to the lower concentration of Cd and Pb in samples. Also the results indicate that both Pb, Cd found in high mean concentration in blood samples of males children than in females children similarly the effect of age indicate that all younger children (between 6 months and 1 year) had shown comparatively lesser quantity of these metals in comparison with elder children (between 4 – 6 yeas).
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