The Identity of the European Union and the Fight Against Terrorism
Subject Areas : علوم سیاسی
Keywords: European Union, Identity, Civil-normative Power, Terrorism, World system,
Abstract :
While other major global players emphasize the tangible characteristics of power, this alliance focuses on intangible power structures. For this purpose, this union is the only powerful normative identity player in the world community. Analysis of the position of this union in this context and its role in the fight against terrorism is the primary goal of the present article. Now, the main question is, what effect does the European Union's identity positioning have on this union's role in the fight against terrorism in the world system? According to the findings of the research, the European Union, be-sides enjoying normative identity advantages, as an essential international actor seeks an independent role in the fight against terrorism, but the lack of growth of standard military and security power in line with the development of normative power faces this union with a challenge and continues to rely on NATO under the leadership of the United States. The surge of terrorist activities in the territorial sphere of the European Union, the perceptual and psychological environment of the strategic and security policy-makers of the European Union on how to deal with terrorism, the specific attitude of right-wing European statesmen towards trends of terrorism, and the lack of social integration of Middle Eastern Muslim immigrants in European norms have led to more alignment and coherence of the European Union's strategic and security policies against terrorist movements.
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