Exploring Growth Responses and Performance of Endemic Iranian Narcissus Genotypes
Subject Areas : Plant Physiology
Sahar Mirzaei
Mehrangiz Chehrazi
Hossein Zeinalzadeh-Tabrizi
1 - Assistant Professor, Ornamental Plants Research Center, Horticultural Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Mahallat, Iran.
2 - Horticultural division, Chamran university, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - Department of Horticulture and Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Keywords: bulb, climate, daffodil, endemic, morphology, Narcissus ,
Abstract :
Narcissus, a prominent perennial ornamental bulbous plant, serves both aesthetic and practical purposes as a cut flower. This study aimed to assess the impact of climatic conditions on flower yield in native narcissus populations in Ahvaz. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with three replications, conducted between 2020 and 2022 at Chamran University's research farm in Ahvaz, Iran. Native narcissus genotypes collected from diverse regions of the country were cultivated and subjected to a comprehensive evaluation of morphological indices. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) underscored significant differences in all morphological parameters at a 1% probability level, showcasing the diversity among the genotypes. Phenotypic correlations unveiled robust positive associations between most traits, underscoring their interdependence. Principal component and cluster analyses offered a holistic perspective on the dataset. The first three principal components encapsulated 87.15% of the total variability, with the primary component (PC1) spotlighting the most influential traits driving genotype divergence. Cluster analysis delineated the eleven genotypes into three distinct clusters, indicative of notable variations in morphological attributes among the genotypes. This study furnishes valuable insights into the intricate relationships between diverse traits and flower numbers in daffodil genotypes, providing a foundation for informed breeding decisions. Comprehending the complex interplay of these traits through correlation and multivariate analyses is pivotal for advancing daffodil breeding programs and enhancing multiplication capacity. These findings not only inform daffodil breeding initiatives in Iran but also lay a groundwork for similar studies in other plant species.
AL-Fatlawi, K.A.I., M. Y. I. AL-Bayati and M.A. Lateef, 2022. Control of Some Environmental Conditions and Their Effects on the Narcissus Spp.: A Subject Review. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability. 3(1): 88-91.
Babarabie, M., H. Zarei, M. Dabbagh, A. Danyaei and S. Badeli, 2018. Effect of various planting substrates on morphological and chlorophyll traits of Narcissus plant. Journal of Chemical Health Risks. 8(3).
Bhatia, R., S. Dey and R. Kumar, 2017. Genetic divergence studies in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.). Indian Journal of Horticulture. 74(4): 562-567.
Bhatia, R., M. Dhiman, P. Chander and S. Dey, 2013. Genetic variability and character association in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana) for various quantitative traits. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 83(7): 773-780.
Breiterová, K., D. Koutová, J. Maříková, R. Havelek, J. Kuneš, M. Majorošová, L. Opletal, A. Hošťálková, J. Jenčo and M. Řezáčová, 2020. Amaryllidaceae alkaloids of different structural types from Narcissus L. cv. Professor Einstein and their cytotoxic activity. Plants. 9(2): 137.
Demir, S. and F. G. Çelikel, 2019. Effects of plant growth regulators on the plant height and quantitative properties of Narcissus tazetta. Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry. 43(1): 105-114.
Dhiman, M., S. Kumar, C. Parkash, N. Gautam and R. Singh, 2019. Genetic diversity and principal component analysis based on vegetative, floral and bulbous traits in narcissus (Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.). Int J Chem Stud. 7: 724-729.
Ghahraman, A. 2019. Basic Botany. Tehran, Iran, Tehran University Publication.
Gul, F., W. Shahri and I. Tahir, 2018. Morphological and some biochemical aspects of flower development and senescence in Narcissus poeticus cv. Pheasant’s Eye. Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng. Technol. 7: 1745-1752.
Gul, F., I. Tahir and W. Shahri, 2015. Flower development and senescence in ‘Kashmir Local’. Folia Horticulturae. 27(2): 115-121.
IBM Corporation, 2016. SPSS for Windows, version 24, IBM Corp Armonk (NY).
IRRI, 2013. Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR) Version: 2.0. 1, International Rice Research Institute Los Baños, Philippines.
Jezdinská Slezák, K., A. Jezdinský, M. Vachůn, O. Sotolářová, R. Pokluda and J. Uher, 2021. Monitoring the green vegetation period of two narcissus taxa by non-destructive analysis of selected physiological and morphological properties. Horticulturae. 7(12): 585.
JMP®Version16, 2021. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1989–2021.
Kapczynska, A. 2014. Effect of bulb size on growth, flowering and bulb formation in lachenalia cultivars. Hort. Sci. 41, 89-94.
Kapczynska, A. 2019. Effect of chipping and scoring techniques on bulb production of Lachenalia cultivars. Acta Agrobotanica. 72(1).
Kebeli, F. and F. Çelikel, 2013. Effect of planting time on flower quality and flowering period of natural and cultural Narcissus bulbs. V. Ornamental Plants Congress.
Khan, I., F. Khan, M. Salmani, M. Khan, M. Mir and A. Hassan, 2013. Effect of bulb density, nitrogen application time and deheading on growth, yield and relative economics of daffodil cv. Tunis (Narcissus sp.). African Journal of Agricultural Research. 8(31): 4189-4193.
Kizil, S., K.M. Khawar and N. Arslan, 2013. Introduction of economically important bulbous plants collected from wild flora in semi arid climatic conditions of southeastern anatolian region of Turkey. I International Symposium on Ornamentals in Africa 1077: 143-153.
Liu, X.-m., X.-z. Zhang, Y.-m. Shi and D.-q. Tang, 2017. Genetic diversity analysis of nine narcissus based on morphological characteristics and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Hortscience. 52(2): 212-220.
Manimaran, P., S. Ghosh and R. Priyanka, 2017. Bulb size and growth regulators on the growth and performance of bulbous ornamental crops-A review. Chem. Sci. Rev. Lett. 6, 1277–1284.
Miller, W.B. and M.W. Olberg, 2016. Novel ethephon application methods for Narcissus. HortScience. 51(10): 1245-1250.
Misra, R. and S. Misra, 2017. Commercial ornamental crops: Cut flowers, Ruger Brentt.
Mozafarian, V. 2015. Identification of medicinal and aromatic plants of Iran. Iran, Farhang Moaser Publication. Iran.
Okubo, H. and D. Sochacki, 2013. Botanical and horticultural aspects of major ornamental geophytes. Ornamental Geophytes. 77-122.
Özel, A. and K. Erden, 2018. The Effect of Bulb Sizes on the Yield and Some Plant Characteristics of Bunch-Flowered Daffodil (Narcissus tazetta). Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi. 22(3): 355-362.
Rezaei, J., M. Zare Mehrjerdi, H. Mastali and N. Yazdani, 2019. Morphological and Phytochemical Evaluation in Some Populations of Allium from Iran. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology. 20(3): 337-348.
Simon-Porcar, V.I., F.X. Pico, J. Arroyo, 2015. Range-wide population genetics and variation in morphratio in style-dimorphic Narcissus papyraceus. American Journal of Botany, 102, 449–456.
Slezák, K. A., J. Mazur, A. Jezdinský and A. Kapczyńska, 2020. Bulb size interacts with lifting term in determining the quality of Narcissus poeticus L. propagation material. Agronomy. 10(7): 975.
Tarakemeh, A., M. Azizi, V. Rowshan, H. Salehi, R. Spina, F. Dupire, H. Arouie and D. Laurain-Mattar, 2019. Screening of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids in bulbs and tissue cultures of Narcissus papyraceus and four varieties of N. tazetta. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 172: 230-237.
Exploring Growth Responses and Performance of Endemic Iranian Narcissus Genotypes
Sahar Mirzaei1*, Mehrangiz Chehrazi2, Hossein Zeinalzadeh-Tabrizi3
1. Ornamental Plants Research Center, Horticultural Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Mahallat, Iran
2. Horticultural Department, Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
3. Department of Horticulture and Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Narcissus, a prominent perennial ornamental bulbous plant, serves both aesthetic and practical purposes as a cut flower. This study aimed to assess the impact of climatic conditions on flower yield in native narcissus populations in Ahvaz. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with three replications, conducted between 2020 and 2022 at Chamran University's research farm in Ahvaz, Iran. Native narcissus genotypes collected from diverse regions of the country were cultivated and subjected to a comprehensive evaluation of morphological indices. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) underscored significant differences in all morphological parameters at a 1% probability level, showcasing the diversity among the genotypes. Phenotypic correlations unveiled robust positive associations between most traits, underscoring their interdependence. Principal component and cluster analyses offered a holistic perspective on the dataset. The first three principal components encapsulated 87.15% of the total variability, with the primary component (PC1) spotlighting the most influential traits driving genotype divergence. Cluster analysis delineated the eleven genotypes into three distinct clusters, indicative of notable variations in morphological attributes among the genotypes. This study furnishes valuable insights into the intricate relationships between diverse traits and flower numbers in daffodil genotypes, providing a foundation for informed breeding decisions. Comprehending the complex interplay of these traits through correlation and multivariate analyses is pivotal for advancing daffodil breeding programs and enhancing multiplication capacity. These findings not only inform daffodil breeding initiatives in Iran but also lay a groundwork for similar studies in other plant species.
Keywords: bulb, climate, daffodil, endemic, morphology, Narcissus
Mirzaei, S., M. Chehrazi, and H. Zeinalzadeh-Tabrizi. 2024. 'Growth response and performance of endemic Iranian narcissus genotypes'. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology 14(2), 5003-5015.
____________________________________ * Corresponding Author E-mail Address: sahar_mirzaei81@yahoo.com Received: January, 2024 Accepted: March, 2024
This study postulates that climatic conditions significantly influence flower yield in native narcissus populations, with particular emphasis on morphological traits such as bulb weight and bulb length playing pivotal roles in determining flower number. The primary aim of this research is to comprehensively analyze and understand the impact of climatic conditions on flower yield in native narcissus populations, specifically in Ahvaz, Iran, by investigating the direct and indirect effects of various morphological and bulbous characteristics on flower number. By identifying key traits that are crucial for determining flower yield and unraveling the interrelationships between morphological traits, this study aspires to provide valuable insights for informed breeding decisions in the context of narcissus and to contribute to enhancing multiplication capacity in daffodil breeding programs.
Materials and Methods
The study was conducted between the years 2020 and 2022 in the research field of Chamran University, located in Ahvaz, Iran. The geographical coordinates of the researclh site are 48°40′E longitude, 31°20′N latitude, and an elevation of 22.5 meters above mean sea level.
Table 1 Meteorological data for the experimental location
Table 2 Soil properties of the research experiment field
The soil properties of the research experiment field are shown in Table 2.
Bulbs of native narcissus genotypes were collected from different parts of nature in Iran (Dil aro, Behbahan, Birjand, Shiraz, Mazandaran, Ilam, Ahvaz, Noorabad, Kazeron, Dare shahr and Khafr). Bulbs were removed from cotton bags, damaged and infected bulbs were separated and healthy bulbs were kept in a dry and cool area for a few days to prevent fungus growth. Then the same number of bulbs from each genotype were kept for the experiment and sterilized in a fungicide solution (Carbendazim 2%). Thereafter, the bulbs of each genotype were cultivated in a 4 square meter area in three replications, at 5 - 6 cm depth and spacing of 20×20 cm2, in September. The well-rotten cow manure was applied to the top layer of soil after cultivation. The first irrigation was at the time of cultivation. Thereafter, irrigation was done every 20 days interval. During plant growth, all the recommended packages of practices were adapted uniformly to all genotypes, to raise high-quality plants. In order to evaluate the quality of floral and vegetative display of endemic narcissus plants, the morphological traits were evaluated, including bulb diameter (BD), bulb length (BL), bulb weight (BW), number of leaves (LN), leaf width (LW), leaf length (LL), leaf area (LA), scape length (FSL), number of flower (FN) and flower diameter (FD) during January and February (Fig. II, Fig. III).
Measuring method
Bulb Diameter (BD): Bulbs were kept in the accurate digital caliper from the round portion, and the amount of bulb diameter was recorded in centimeter units.
Bulb Length (BL): Bulbs were kept in the accurate digital caliper from tip to bottom portion, and the amount of bulb length was recorded in centimeter units.
Bulb Weight (BW): After cleaning the underground parts (bulbs) from the soil substrate, each bulb was kept on the accurate weight scale (Brand: Sartorius- Accurancy: 0.0001) and the bulb's weight was recorded in grams.
Number of Leaves (LN): All the leaves in each bush were counted and recorded.
Leaf Width (LW): leaves were kept in the accurate digital caliper from the width portion and recorded in centimeter units.
Leaf Length (LL): leaves were measured with a ruler from the substrate surface to the tip of the leaf and recorded in centimeter units.
Leaf Area (LA): Each leaf was kept on the area meter (Brand: ADC- Model: AM100) and recorded in cm2 units.
Scape Length (FSL): Scape length was measured with a ruler from the soil rim to the top of the scape and recorded in centimeters.
Number of Flower (FN): All the flowers in each bush were counted and recorded.
Flower Diameter (FD): In each flower, petals were opened, kept in the accurate digital caliper, and recorded in centimeter units.
Statistical Analysis
Prior to conducting the analysis of variance, the data were tested for outliers and normality using the Grubbs test and the Shapiro-Wilk test, respectively, with the STAR software (IRRI, 2013). SPSS 24.0 statistical software (IBM Corporation, 2016) was employed to conduct stepwise regression analysis, and perform path analysis. To compute Pearson correlation coefficients, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were executed using JMP 16 statistical software (JMP®Version16, 2021).
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for recorded data was presented in Table 3. All morphological parameters exhibited significance at a 1% probability level.
Bulb diameter
Analysis of variance for recorded data showed that the effect of genotype on bulb diameter was significant at 1% level of significance (Table 3). The analysis of mean comparisons for recorded bulb diameter data revealed a significant difference in bulb diameter among various genotypes, as depicted in Fig. (Ia). Specifically, genotypes from Ahvaz and Ilam exhibited the largest bulb diameters, measuring 4.96 and 4.93 cm, respectively. In contrast, the smallest bulb diameter was observed in the Khafr genotype, measuring 2.90 cm.
Bulb length
The analysis of variance for the recorded data indicated a significant effect of genotype on bulb length at the 1% level of significance, as presented in Table 3. The results concerning the length of bulbs among different genotypes revealed that Mazandaran genotypes had the largest size, with a length of 5.16 cm, while the smallest bulb size was recorded for the Khafr genotypes, measuring 3.50 cm. Further examination through mean comparisons for bulb length data demonstrated that all other genotypes exhibited a significant difference when compared to the genotype with the highest bulb length, as depicted in Fig. (Ib).
Bulb weight
d |
j |
i |
h |
g |
f |
e |
Fig. I. Comparison of mean morphological traits in various native narcissus genotypes; a: bulb diameter (BD); b: bulb length (BL); c: bulb weight (BW); d: number of leaves (LN); e: leaf width (LW); f: leaf length (LL); g: leaf area (LA); h: scape length (FSL); i: number of flower (FN) and j: flower diameter (FD). * similar letters are not significantly different at 5% using the LSD test.
c |
g |
exhibited a significant difference when compared to the genotype with the highest bulb weight (Fig. I, c).
Number of leaves
The analysis of variance for recorded data showed that the effect of genotype on the number of leaves was significant at the 1% level of significance (Table 1). The results on the number of leaves in different genotypes showed that genotypes of Dillaro and Ilam with 4.70 leaves had the highest number of leaves. The lowest amount was recorded for genotypes of Khafr with 3.40 leaves. The mean comparison of recorded data for the number of leaves showed that the genotypes of Behbahan, Mazandaran, Ahvaz, and Dare shahr also didn’t have a significant difference with the highest number of leaves (Fig. Id).
Leaf width
The analysis of variance for the recorded data indicated a significant effect of genotype on leaf width at the 1% level of significance, as presented in Table 3. The results concerning leaf width among different genotypes showed that the Mazandaran genotypes exhibited the highest leaf width, measuring 2.80 cm, while the lowest leaf width was recorded for the Khafr genotypes, with a width of 1.05 cm. Mean comparisons of the recorded data for leaf width revealed that genotypes Dillaro, Behbahan, Birjand, and Norabad did not exhibit a significant difference when compared to the genotype with the highest leaf width, as shown in Fig. (Ie).
Leaf length
The analysis of variance for the recorded data indicated a significant effect of genotype on leaf length at the 1% level of significance, as detailed in Table 3. The results pertaining to leaf length across different genotypes revealed that the Ilam genotypes had the highest leaf length, measuring 44.70 cm, while the lowest leaf length was recorded for the Dilaro genotypes, with a length of 38.10 cm. Mean comparisons of the recorded data for leaf length demonstrated that genotypes Behbahan, Birjand, Ahvaz, Norabad, and Kazeron did not exhibit a significant difference when compared to the genotype with the highest leaf length, as depicted in Fig. (If).
Leaf area
The analysis of variance for the recorded data demonstrated a significant effect of genotype on leaf area at the 1% level of significance, as indicated in Table 3. The results pertaining to leaf area among different genotypes revealed that the Mazandaran genotypes exhibited the highest leaf area, measuring 116.91 cm², while the smallest leaf area was recorded for the Khafr genotypes, with an area of 41.80 cm². Mean comparisons of the recorded data for leaf area indicated that genotypes Behbahan, Birjand, Ilam, Ahvaz, Norabad, and Kazeron did not display a significant difference when compared to the genotype with the highest leaf area, as illustrated in Fig. (Ig).
Flowering scape length
The analysis of variance for the recorded data revealed a significant effect of genotype on flowering scape length at the 1% level of significance, as presented in Table 3. The results concerning the flowering scape length among different genotypes showed that the Mazandaran genotypes had the highest scape length, measuring 40.10 cm, while the shortest scape length was recorded for the Khafr genotypes, with a length of 29.30 cm. Mean comparisons of the recorded data for scape length indicated that genotypes Norabad, Kazeron, and Dareshahr did not exhibit a significant difference when compared to the genotype with the highest scape length, as depicted in Fig. (Ih).
Number of flowers
Fig. II. Phenotypic association coefficients pertaining to several morphological traits observed in narcissus genotypes
Flower diameter
. Analysis of variance for the recorded data demonstrated a significant effect of genotype on flower diameter at p<0.01 (Table 3). The results regarding flower diameter among different genotypes showed that Birjand genotypes had the largest flower diameter (4.91 cm). Minimum flower diameter (3.87 cm) was recorded for the Dillaro genotypes. Comparison of mean flower diameters indicated that genotypes of Behbahan, Ilam, Ahvaz, and Dareshahr were not significantly different from the genotype with the maximum flower size (Fig. I, j).
Phenotypic correlations
Table 4 Summary of trait effects on flower number: stepwise regression and path analysis
The results of the stepwise regression analysis indicate significant findings. BW demonstrates a noteworthy positive direct effect (0.850**) on FN, while FL exhibits a significant negative direct effect (-0.533*) on FN. Interestingly, despite the FL trait's negative direct effect, it exerts a positive indirect effect (0.300) on FN through the BW trait. Conversely, a negative indirect effect of BW via FL (-0.188) is also evident. These findings collectively suggest that the selection for FN in Narcissus should prioritize BW rather than FL (Table 4).
Principal component and cluster analyses
Table 5 Analysis of 10 traits, including component loadings, eigenvalues, the proportion of total variance explained by the first four principal components (PC), and the cumulative variance observed across eleven narcissus genotypes
Fig. III. Principal component analysis; dominant traits in eleven genotypes are comprised of the most significant traits, as determined by the first three principal components
Fig. IV. Hierarchical cluster analysis and classification of eleven narcissus genotypes under study
The hierarchical cluster analysis resulted in the classification of eleven narcissus genotypes into three distinct clusters, as depicted in Fig (VI). The initial cluster consisted of a single genotype, specifically the Khafr genotype. The second cluster consisted of two sub-clusters, wherein the first sub-cluster (Mazandaran) contained one genotype, while the second sub-cluster (Norabad, Ahvaz, Ilam, Birjand, and Behbahan) comprised five genotypes. The third cluster consisted of two sub-clusters, with the first sub-cluster containing two genotypes (Dare shahr and Kazeron) and the second sub-cluster containing two genotypes (Shiraz and Dil aro). Based on the findings of the cluster analysis, it was shown that genotypes belonging to the second cluster had elevated values for significant morphological traits in narcissus. This clustering pattern was consistent with the results obtained through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), reinforcing the robustness of the morphological evaluation. Hence, the identification of clustering patterns within the dendrogram would aid in the determination of appropriate cultivars for prospective narcissus breeding initiatives in Iran.
Reports have shown a range of sizes for narcissus bulbs size. For instance, Dhiman et al., (2019) reported sizes ranging from 2.58 to 4.22 cm. In a different study, Slezák et al., (2020) reported varying sizes for Narcissus Poeticus, spanning from 10.6 to 21.7 mm. Also, Dhiman et al., (2019) reported a bulb diameter of 2.58 to 4.22 cm for different genotypes of narcissus. However, a bigger bulb size has also been reported, which was around 12 cm for Narcissus tazetta subsp. tazetta L. under the conditions of Harran Plain (Özel and Erden, 2018). Although initial bulb size effects bulb yield and quality (Kapczynska, 2019). Additionally, Slezák et al., (2020) reported different weight ranges for Narcissus Poeticus bulbs, spanning from 0.8 to 6.3 g. Khan et al., (2013) also reported 37.74 g for narcissus bulb weight. Fresh weight and the circumference of bulbs have a positive correlation with vegetative growth in bulbous plants. However, the possession of a large bulb has little overall advantage for growth and development. Because after the 50 g bulb size, the results look markedly similar. In general, plants produced from large bulbs grow faster to complete their life cycle than those produced from medium and small bulbs (Kapczynska, 2014, Manimaran et al., 2017). Also, Babarabie et al., (2018) and Khan et al., (2013) reported mean values of 2.56 and 3.98 for the number of leaves in narcissus. Dhiman et al., (2019) reported 0.58 to 1.57 cm of leaf width for different genotypes of narcissus. Miller and Olberg (2016) reported a mean value of 30.5 cm for narcissus leaf length. Dhiman et al., (2019) reported 13.47 to 23.83 cm of leaf length for different genotypes of narcissus. Also, Jezdinská Slezák et al., (2021) reported a leaf length of 24.91 ± 1.21 cm in narcissus. Other researchers reported a mean value of 18.40 cm for narcissus leaf length (Demir and Çelikel, 2019). Babarabie et al., (2018), Miller and Olberg (2016), reported mean values of 13.81cm for scape length in Narcissus tazetta and 35.7 cm in Narcissus pseudonarcissus, which are shorter than the scape length of all studied genotypes in our research. Also, Demir and Çelikel (2019) for narcissus tazetta scape length and Jezdinská Slezák et al., (2021) reported the stem length of N. poeticus plants was 23.53 ± 3.38 cm. In the reports, 3.47 to 5.98 leaves have been recorded for narcissus (Dhiman et al., (2019). Babarabie et al., (2018) reported 194.54 cm for the narcissus flower diameter. In other report, 3.72 to 8.37 cm of flower diameter has been recorded for narcissus (Dhiman et al., (2019). On the base of observations, in many varities, flower number varies negatively with flower diameter among Narcissus species.
Positive correlations between various vegetative and reproductive characteristics were also reported by (Rezaei et al., 2019). Hence, the process of selecting traits based on their growth characteristics can be undertaken without hesitation till the manifestation of those growth traits.
D, L, and W were positively correlated with each other, which revealed a highly significant and positive correlation with FN. This findings were similar with those of (Dhiman et al., 2019). These results demonstrated that improvement for any of these traits could lead to an increase in FN. Previous studies by Bhatia et al., (2013) have documented analogous patterns of correlations between bulbous characteristics in tulips.
Enhancing the understanding of the interconnectedness between various traits through correlation analysis is a crucial factor in facilitating efficient selection processes (Dhiman et al., 2019). The findings from the correlation study indicated that there existed solely a negative correlation coefficient (-0.23) between FN and FL, which was not statistically significant (Fig. IV). Similar result was also reported by (Dhiman et al., 2019). Results also revealed that FL had the weakest interrelationship with the other traits studied. The propagation of Narcissus occurs through the use of bulbs in commercial settings. Nevertheless, the multiplication rate in narcissus exhibits a significant deficiency. There exists a necessity to enhance the multiplication capacity, either by selecting genotypes with a high bulb number coefficient or through indirect enhancement of the qualities that contribute to the number of bulbs per plant (Dhiman et al., 2019). Simon et al., (2015) found that flower size was positively correlated with all traits, while flower shape, which was positively correlated with tube width at the junction, was negatively correlated with tube width at the base of the flower, tepal length, and corona width at the mouth. A positive correlation has been observed in Liu et al., (2017) study between the flowering stem number and the flower number which was not in accordance with the current study. The present study observed a strong correlation coefficient among morphological traits, indicating that it was challenging to ascertain the specific impact of each component on FN due to the presence of combined or confounding effects. The utilization of path analysis is recommended for comprehending the extent and orientation of the direct and indirect influences of component attributes on FN, as correlation coefficients alone do not provide a comprehensive depiction when the causal elements are interrelated and interdependent. The multiplication rate seen in narcissus exhibits a significant degree of underperformance. There is a requirement to enhance the multiplication capacity, either by choosing genotypes with a high bulb production coefficient or through indirect enhancement of the features that contribute to the number of bulbs per plant (Dhiman et al., 2019).
Our finding in the stepwise regression analysis was in accordance with (Dhiman et al., 2019) study who reported highly significant and positive relationship of with weight of bulb (0.825).
The quantification of flower count per bulb or per weight of bulbs holds significance for bulb manufacturers operating in the commercial sector. The study conducted by Özel and Erden (2018) investigated the associations among three variables: the quantity of bulbs and flowers per metric ton of bulbs, the number of bulb units per individual bulb, and the number of flowers per bulb unit. One of the primary factors contributing to the variability in flower production was the quantity of bulb units per unit weight found in larger bulbs. This factor was only partially offset by an increase in the number of bulb units per individual bulb. However, it is worth noting that the number of bulb units per metric ton remained rather stable throughout the study.
Also, Bhatia et al., (2017) in tulip and Dhiman et al., (2019) in narcissus also documented comparable findings pertaining to principal component analysis. Bhatia et al., (2017) and Dhiman et al., (2019) have revealed similar findings in the context of tulip and narcissus, respectively. The convergence of data from both cluster analysis and PCA emphasizes the reliability of the identified clusters and highlights their potential significance in guiding the selection of appropriate cultivars for future narcissus breeding initiatives in Iran.
This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of morphological traits in eleven daffodil genotypes, focusing on their effects on flower number. Significant differences were observed among genotypes, with bulb weight showing a notable positive direct effect on flower number, contrary to bulb length's negative direct effect. Interestingly, bulb length indirectly influenced flower number positively through bulb weight. Principal component and cluster analyses revealed significant variability among genotypes, with three distinct clusters identified. These findings provide valuable insights for daffodil breeding, emphasizing the importance of bulb weight in selecting for flower number and offering a framework for similar studies in other plant species.
AL-Fatlawi, K.A.I., M. Y. I. AL-Bayati and M.A. Lateef, 2022. Control of Some Environmental Conditions and Their Effects on the Narcissus Spp.: A Subject Review. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability. 3(1): 88-91.
Babarabie, M., H. Zarei, M. Dabbagh, A. Danyaei and S. Badeli, 2018. Effect of various planting substrates on morphological and chlorophyll traits of Narcissus plant. Journal of Chemical Health Risks. 8(3).
Bhatia, R., S. Dey and R. Kumar, 2017. Genetic divergence studies in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.). Indian Journal of Horticulture. 74(4): 562-567.
Bhatia, R., M. Dhiman, P. Chander and S. Dey, 2013. Genetic variability and character association in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana) for various quantitative traits. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 83(7): 773-780.
Breiterová, K., D. Koutová, J. Maříková, R. Havelek, J. Kuneš, M. Majorošová, L. Opletal, A. Hošťálková, J. Jenčo and M. Řezáčová, 2020. Amaryllidaceae alkaloids of different structural types from Narcissus L. cv. Professor Einstein and their cytotoxic activity. Plants. 9(2): 137.
Demir, S. and F. G. Çelikel, 2019. Effects of plant growth regulators on the plant height and quantitative properties of Narcissus tazetta. Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry. 43(1): 105-114.
Dhiman, M., S. Kumar, C. Parkash, N. Gautam and R. Singh, 2019. Genetic diversity and principal component analysis based on vegetative, floral and bulbous traits in narcissus (Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.). Int J Chem Stud. 7: 724-729.
Ghahraman, A. 2019. Basic Botany. Tehran, Iran, Tehran University Publication.
Gul, F., W. Shahri and I. Tahir, 2018. Morphological and some biochemical aspects of flower development and senescence in Narcissus poeticus cv. Pheasant’s Eye. Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng. Technol. 7: 1745-1752.
Gul, F., I. Tahir and W. Shahri, 2015. Flower development and senescence in ‘Kashmir Local’. Folia Horticulturae. 27(2): 115-121.
IBM Corporation, 2016. SPSS for Windows, version 24, IBM Corp Armonk (NY).
IRRI, 2013. Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR) Version: 2.0. 1, International Rice Research Institute Los Baños, Philippines.
Jezdinská Slezák, K., A. Jezdinský, M. Vachůn, O. Sotolářová, R. Pokluda and J. Uher, 2021. Monitoring the green vegetation period of two narcissus taxa by non-destructive analysis of selected physiological and morphological properties. Horticulturae. 7(12): 585.
JMP®Version16, 2021. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1989–2021.
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