Institutionalism in Strategic Structural Plans (A Grounded Theory Approach)
Subject Areas : Urban DesignMaryam Daneshvar 1 , Ali Ghafari 2 * , Hamid Majedi 3
1 - Ph.D., Department of Urbanism, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univesity, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Urbanism, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univesity, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Strategic Structural Plans, Iranian spatial planning syste, Iinstitutionalism, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
Nowadays, planning is no longer considered merely a scientific and technical career nor agovernment responsibity. It rather functions as a bridge connecting the planners to institutional changes. In otherwords, the planning theory does not develop in a social, economic and political vacuum, but is formulated byindividuals in social situations with the aim of clarifying the enviroment recommending appropriate procedures andprocesses. The purpose of this research was to identify the explanatory and normative capability of the StrategicStructural Plans theory in the context of institutionalism so as to enhance the capacity of its application in practice. Forthis purpose, the grounded theory was adopted as a research strategy within the framework of qualitative methodology.The data collection instruments involved desk study, interviews with experts, managers and specialists, collaborativeobservations on the environment. The research environment included macro and micro levels. At the macro level, thefocus was on comprehensible conditions and components of Iranian spatial planning system, while the micro levelserved to examine on the local scale the urban planning and management through sample mining in Mashhad, Iran.As a result of this analysis, a total of 159 concepts, 44 categories and 9 major categories and 6 topics were recognized.Among the categories identified, institutionalism in the theory of Strategic Structural Plans was selected because of thefrequent appearance in the data and its relation to other categories as axial category, where the paradigm model wasoutlined emphasizing on the causal and context condition, intervention, strategies and consequences.
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