Study of the Impact of Culture on Qualitative Structure of Residential Complexes in Tehran
Subject Areas : Urban Design
Ghazal Safdarian
Farah Habib
1 - Ph .D . Candidate, Department of Art and Architecture, science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Culture, Qualitative Spaces, residential complexes, Identity,
Abstract :
It is not long time that residential complexes have been built in Tehran. Although during thistime, always influenced by some factors, configuration of the residential complexes has undergone fluctuations, rateof which has been very fast especially in recent decades considering the fundamental changes that have emerged inthe housing debate. turning housing into an investment commodity. Residential complexes are generally evaluatedqualitatively and quantitatively from two viewpoints. Qualitative issues that are often in connection with quality ofliving environment and its effects from social and especially cultural issues of residents have been given little attentionin the past few decades and in contrast, quantitative issues have been more attractively motivated by profitability andeconomic benefits. The result of this imbalance is the housing status that we can see in all aspects. The present studiesindicate that in recent decades, the rising rate of construction and lack of sufficient control over housing sector resultedin the formation of the residential complexes regardless of cultural context, approval of settlement inconsistent with theculture and traditional attitudes of the residents and as a result, low quality of life in residential complexes. This paperis an attempt to assess several condominiums in different years in terms of quality and the effect taken from culturalconcepts in all stages, including studies, planning, design and operation using field study and questionnaires and thento find a correct relationship between various components and finally, some recommendations are provided to improvethe current situation.
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