Recognition the Sociological and Architectural Components based on Geographical Segmentation Technique by Value-normative Paradigm
Subject Areas : Urban DesignMobina Rouhi 1 * , Darab Diba 2 , Naser Fakouhi 3
1 - Department of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Central Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Facully of Social Science University of Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Index Terms— meaning and form, Historical house, Houses of Mazandaran, Quality evaluation,
Abstract :
A house, as a primary dwelling is designed according to life style and current values in the life and mind of Residents. House is a cultural element, containing cultural meanings situated in the spirit of a house, distinguish the form of other houses. Special life style and conduct of residents becomes value through time. This value organizes the meaning in the mind and determines meaning of life and appropriate physical space. In this paper, we have tried to study theories of a philosopher concerning meaning issue and meaning ontology, and meaning of life, and then, present components to evaluation the meaning in historical houses of Mazandaran. Indexes and questionnaire were used through the components. Six historical houses were selected to evaluate, filled by ten specialists for each house. This paper describes the theoretical framework by qualitative research approach and analysis method. It assesses qualitative components to quantitative components, based on the evidences and documents. Then, it provides reliable criteria. Research achievement presents the solution to design temporary houses based on linkage of meaning and form.
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