Gender Roles in Livestock Production among Urban Farming Households
Subject Areas : Rural and Agricultural SociologyAnthonia Asadu 1 * , I.A Enwelu 2 , P.I. Ifejika 3 , E.M Igbokwe 4
1 - Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
2 - Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
3 - National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research, P. M.B. 6006,New Bussa,Niger State, Nigeria.
4 - Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Keywords: gender, Livestock, urban households,
Abstract :
This study identified different roles played by urban household members in livestock production in Southeast Nigeria. Data were collected from two hundred and ten (210) livestock keepers using interview schedule. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The mean age of the farmers was 49.1 and a majority (86.7%) had at least primary education. A greater proportion (78.1%) of the respondents kept improved chicken and the dominant rearing system was intensive. Majority (88.2%) of the respondents indicated that men were responsible for building and maintenance of house for livestock. Buying of feed was done mainly by women (56.7%) while feeding the animals was carried out by all gender groups. Men generally take care of animal health. Therefore any intervention meant to improve urban livestock production should consider the various roles played by each gender.
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