Effects of Agricultural Child Labour on Children’s Perception of Farming Occupation in Delta State, Nigeria
Subject Areas :
Rural and Agricultural Sociology
Albert Ofuoku
Angela Izukanne Emodi
1 - Department of Agricultural Economjcs and Extension, Delta State University, Asaba Campus, PMB 95074,
Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.
2 - Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Received: 2016-09-13
Accepted : 2016-11-02
Published : 2015-12-01
Child labour,
farming occupation,
participation index,
child labour regulation,
Abstract :
This study examined the effects of agricultural child labour on children’s perception of farming occupation in Delta State, Nigeria. A total of 336 respondents comprising of 112 farming household heads and 224 children in the selected households were used for the study.Farming activities of the children were highest during weekends. Highest level of participation was recorded in herbicide and pesticide application. A participation index of 0.55 was recorded for children from the farming HHs. It was concluded that the socio-economic status of the HH heads and the need to transfer farming knowledge and skills through generations encouraged farming HH child labour in agriculture and the level of participation of the children in agricultural activities influenced their perception on farming occupation negatively. It is recommended that farming HH heads should be educated on the implications of child labour in agriculture; children should be allowed or made to participate in non-hazardous farming operations; children should be educated motivationally on the importance of farming occupation
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