Determinants of Agricultural Students’ Academic Performance at the University Level: Case of Bangladesh
Subject Areas :
Agricultural Education
Md. Wakilur Rahman
Kazi Shek Farid
Nishith Zahan Tanny
1 - Department of Rural Sociology
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
2 - Department of Rural Sociology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
3 - Department of Rural Sociology
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Received: 2021-11-01
Accepted : 2021-12-20
Published : 2021-12-30
Academic Performance,
tertiary education,
Abstract :
This study identifies the determinants of students’ academic performance at the tertiary level of agricultural education in Bangladesh. Primary data were collected through interview survey with a pre-tested interview schedule over a period of three months from randomly selected 437 students of four agricultural universities of Bangladesh. Regression analysis was performed to identify the factors affecting students’ academic performance. Students are seemed to perform better provided they had a good result in the first semester at the university as the coefficient value of this variable is found statistically significant at one percent level. Their academic achievements are largely influenced by their motivation along with their active participation in different extra-curricular activities. Teaching and research facilities provided by the institutions influence academic achievement of the students positively as well. The study further reveals that pre-university results, family income, connectivity with family members, parents' occupation, and residence positively influence academic results. In contrast, the uncongenial environment of the residential hall and non-cooperation from supporting staffs make students apathetic in achieving better academic results, which is evident in the data with the statistically significant relationship at a one percent level having a negative effect on academic results. The findings emphasize on creation of enabling environment for the fresher, enhancement of need-based teaching and research facilities, and provision of extra-curricular activities to foster the academic performance of the students.
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