Friction-Adaptive Integrated Position Control for Vehicles on Curved Paths
Subject Areas : robotics
Hadi Sazgar
ali keymasi khalaji
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Control, Kinetic Control, Kinematic Control, Nonlinear Tire, Seven Degrees of Freedom Dynamic Model, Tire-Road Friction Estimation,
Abstract :
In critical manoeuvres where the maximum tire-road friction capacity is used, the vehicle's dynamic behaviour is highly nonlinear, and there are strong couplings between longitudinal and lateral dynamics. If the tire-road friction conditions change suddenly during these manoeuvres, the vehicle control will be very complicated. The innovation of this research is a control algorithm to manage vehicles on a curved path with sudden tire-road friction change. The main advantage of the proposed controller is that it is robust to the change of the friction coefficient and other unmodeled uncertainties and ensures vehicle stability with low computational volume. The evaluation of the proposed adaptive controller has been done using the full vehicle model in CarSim software and by defining three different manoeuvres, moving at a constant speed on a curved road, lane-change, and lane-change with braking. Also, in the obtained results, the noise of the yaw speed signals and longitudinal and lateral accelerations are considered. The estimation of the longitudinal and lateral velocities is also done using these data. The obtained results showed that the proposed integrated control can manage the highly nonlinear dynamics of the vehicle in the existence of a sudden and significant change in the friction coefficient.
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