
  • پورمرتضوی.سید مهدی Study of Optical Properties, Thermal Kinetic Decomposition and Stability of Coated PETN-Litholrubine nano-Composite via Solvent/None-Solvent Method Using Taguchi Experimental Design [ المجلد 4, العدد 4 - شتاء السنة 2019]



  • جباری.مسعود Ultra-Compact Bidirectional Terahertz Switch Based on Resonance in Graphene Ring and Plate [ المجلد 4, العدد 4 - شتاء السنة 2019]
  • جلالی.تهمینه Enhancement of the Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in One- Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Adjustable Spatial Configuration [ المجلد 4, العدد 1 - ربيع السنة 2019]


  • حبیبی.یداله Computational Investigation on Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotube Binding to Nucleotides According to the QM Methods [ المجلد 4, العدد 1 - ربيع السنة 2019]
  • حسینی.سید مهدی The Investigation of Giant Magneto Resistance in an Inhomogeneous Ladder Lattice [ المجلد 4, العدد 4 - شتاء السنة 2019]


  • زهفروش.یاشار Study of Photo-Conductivity in MoS2 Thin Films Grown in Low-Temperature Aqueous Solution Bath [ المجلد 4, العدد 4 - شتاء السنة 2019]


  • صابری لمراسکی.معصومه Study of Optical Properties, Thermal Kinetic Decomposition and Stability of Coated PETN-Litholrubine nano-Composite via Solvent/None-Solvent Method Using Taguchi Experimental Design [ المجلد 4, العدد 4 - شتاء السنة 2019]
  • صیفوری. محمود Novel structure of optical add/drop filters and multi-channel filter based on photonic crystal for using in optical telecommunication devices [ المجلد 4, العدد 2 - الصيف السنة 2019]


  • علیایی.محسن Propose, Analysis and Simulation of an All Optical Full Adder Based on Plasmonic Waves using Metal-Insulator-Metal Waveguide Structure [ المجلد 4, العدد 3 - الخريف السنة 2019]
  • عمادی. معصومه Computational Investigation on Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotube Binding to Nucleotides According to the QM Methods [ المجلد 4, العدد 1 - ربيع السنة 2019]
  • عمادی. معصومه Thermodynamic study of (pb2+) removal by adsorption onto modified magnetic Graphene Oxide with Chitosan and Cysteine [ المجلد 4, العدد 3 - الخريف السنة 2019]


  • مختاری.محمد باقر Propose, Analysis and Simulation of an All Optical Full Adder Based on Plasmonic Waves using Metal-Insulator-Metal Waveguide Structure [ المجلد 4, العدد 3 - الخريف السنة 2019]
  • میر.علی Numerical Modeling of a Nanostructure Gas Sensor Based on Plasmonic Effect [ المجلد 4, العدد 2 - الصيف السنة 2019]


  • هنرور.بیژن Thermodynamic study of (pb2+) removal by adsorption onto modified magnetic Graphene Oxide with Chitosan and Cysteine [ المجلد 4, العدد 3 - الخريف السنة 2019]