فهرس المقالات Mukesh Chandra Sharma

  • المقاله

    1 - Application of hydrotropic solubilization in spectrophotometric analysis of Esomeprazole and Itopride pharmaceutical combined tablet dosage forms
    Journal of the Iranian Chemical Research , العدد 1 , السنة 4 , زمستان 2011
    Two simple, accurate and precise methods for simultaneous estimation of Esomeprazole and Itopride in bulk drug and tablet dosage form have been described. Method-A employs formation and solving of simultaneous equation using 231 and 370 nm as two analytical wavelengths. أکثر
    Two simple, accurate and precise methods for simultaneous estimation of Esomeprazole and Itopride in bulk drug and tablet dosage form have been described. Method-A employs formation and solving of simultaneous equation using 231 and 370 nm as two analytical wavelengths. Method -B is Absorption ratio method, which uses 308 and 331 nm as two analytical wavelengths.Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range 5-35 μg/ml for Esomeprazole and 5-40 μg mL-1 for Itopride. In the present investigation, 0.5 Metformin hydrochloride solutions (hydrotropic solubilizing agent) were employed to solubilize, Esomeprazole and Itopride from fine powder of its tablets to carryout Spectrophotometric analysis. The optimized methods showed good reproducibility and recovery with standard deviation of < 1.0% and percent relative standard deviation less then 2.0%, allow the simultaneous estimation of Esomeprazole and Itopride in concentration ranges employed for this purpose in the assay of bulk drug and tablets. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Three-dimensional quantitative structure activity relationship approach series of 3-Bromo-4-(1-H-3-Indolyl)-2, 5-Dihydro-1H-2, 5- Pyrroledione as antibacterial agents
    Journal of the Iranian Chemical Research , العدد 5 , السنة 3 , زمستان 2010
    The use of quantitative structure–activity relationships, since its advent, has becomeincreasingly helpful in understanding many aspects of biochemical interactions in drug research.This approach was utilized to explain the relationship of structure with biologica أکثر
    The use of quantitative structure–activity relationships, since its advent, has becomeincreasingly helpful in understanding many aspects of biochemical interactions in drug research.This approach was utilized to explain the relationship of structure with biological activity ofantibacterial. For the development of new fungicides against, the quantitative structural–activityrelationship (QSAR) analyses for fungicidal activities of Pyrroledione Derivatives were carriedout using multiple linear regression (MLR) Quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR)analysis was performed on a series of 3-Bromo-4-(1-H-3-Indolyl)-2, 5-Dihydro-1H-2, 5-Pyrroledione Derivatives.QSAR investigations were based on Hansch's extra thermodynamicmulti-parameter approach. QSAR investigations reveal that steric and electrostatic interactionsare primarily responsible for enzyme–ligand interaction. These studies produced good predictivemodels and give statistically significant correlations of selective COX-2 inhibitory with physicalproperty, connectivity and conformation of molecule. Also when available COX-1 inhibitorydata was analyzed with descriptors obtained from chem. Office 2007, partial charge descriptor,van der Waal’s surface area and solvation energy gave statistically significant results. The resultsobtained by combining these methodologies give insights into the key features for designingmore potent analogs antibacterial. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - UV-Visible spectrophotometry of Repaglinide in bulk and in formulation by using methyl orange as reagents
    Journal of the Iranian Chemical Research , العدد 2 , السنة 4 , بهار 2011
    Two sensitive spectrophotometric methods are presented for the assay of Repaglinide in bulkdrug and in formulations using methyl orange, as reagents. Oxidant by reacting with a fixedamount of either methyl orange and measuring the absorbance at 485.2 nm (method-I) andme أکثر
    Two sensitive spectrophotometric methods are presented for the assay of Repaglinide in bulkdrug and in formulations using methyl orange, as reagents. Oxidant by reacting with a fixedamount of either methyl orange and measuring the absorbance at 485.2 nm (method-I) andmeasuring the absorbance at 618.9 nm (method-II). Developed method is based on the formationof extractable colored complex of drug with coloring agent Methyl orange dye. A wavelengthmaximum was found to be 618.9 nm. The concentration range of 15-50 μg ml-1 with linearregression of 0.9995, while the percentage recovery, LOD and LOQ were 99.42-99.08 %, 2.17μg ml-1 and 1.08 μg ml-1 respectively. The result of analysis have been validated statistically andalso by recovery studies. From the percentage recovery and specificity studies it was concludedthat there was no interference of common additives during the estimation. This proves thesuitability of this method for the routine quality control analysis of the Repaglinide informulation. تفاصيل المقالة