فهرس المقالات مهدی ادیبی سده

  • المقاله

    1 - Body Management and Youth National Identity (Case Study: Sari Youth)
    Sociological of Studies of youth , العدد 2 , السنة 6 , تابستان 2015
    Identity in recent decades, especially in social and national dimension, as one of the most key components of humanities and social sciences, considered very deeply by experts and scientists. This article attempts to examine national identity in the sphere of culture gl أکثر
    Identity in recent decades, especially in social and national dimension, as one of the most key components of humanities and social sciences, considered very deeply by experts and scientists. This article attempts to examine national identity in the sphere of culture globalization and worldwide consumption culture. Because this culture includes different dimension, the article has done by the purpose of investigation of the relationship between body management and youth national identity. The young people aged 18 to 30 years of Sari were among statistical population. The sample size was 384 persons obtained by Cochran formula and multi-stage cluster sampling. The results indicate that there was inversely negative relationship between body management and youth national identity. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - An Investigation on the Relationship between Body Management and the Youth Social Identity (Case Study in Sari Boys and Girls)
    Sociological of Studies of youth , العدد 2 , السنة 4 , تابستان 2013
    Alongside with the visual symbols of status and identity in the late modernity, the bodies have become converting to express symbol of identity and personality. Body care and supervision provide this opportunity for individuals to keep a clear narrative of their identit أکثر
    Alongside with the visual symbols of status and identity in the late modernity, the bodies have become converting to express symbol of identity and personality. Body care and supervision provide this opportunity for individuals to keep a clear narrative of their identity and put it watching others. This research has been done with the aim of investigating the relationship between body management and the youth social identity. The young people aged 18 to 30 of Sari were among statistical population. The sample size was 384 which obtained with Cochran formula and by multi-stage cluster sampling. The results indicate that, nowadays many efforts done by the youth about having a beautiful appearance and body up this way to achieve the distinguishing characteristic. They want to show themselves in community differently. Thus attempting for having a beautiful face and appearance and perfect limbs rather than be associated with the rejection of their identity comes from acceptance of their identity. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - A Survey on the Effective Socio-Cultural Factors on Internet Tendency among Shosh Payam Noor University Students
    Sociological of Studies of youth , العدد 1 , السنة 2 , پاییز 2011
    Nowadays internet is one of the main instruments for accessing to information. Social groups use different motivations, but this phenomenon has a special situation among students. Students in addition of amusement, fun and keen motivation to be familiar with unknown wor أکثر
    Nowadays internet is one of the main instruments for accessing to information. Social groups use different motivations, but this phenomenon has a special situation among students. Students in addition of amusement, fun and keen motivation to be familiar with unknown world, for educational-science purposes and finding job and educational choices are among main users of internet. The main purpose of this survey is considering effective social and cultural factors on tendency to internet. The students is Shoush Piamnoor university who were active in junior college and bachelor levels and in humanities, grade science, technical and engineering education were groups among the sample by utilizing of Cochran formula 300 people were selected as sample size. Random systematic sampling method and cluster sampling is two stages. Collecting information method and its instrument is questionnaire that was analyzed by using of SPSS Software. For considering significant relationship between variables, statistical tests like Chi Square test, F & T tests Pearson correlation coefficient, V keramers Coefficient, Kendal and Spearmen correlation coefficient and also multi variational and course analyze were used. Results show that relationship between variables in parent relationship, friendly relationship among religion and ethnic-believers, gender and educational level correlation have a significant relationship with student tendency to internet. Variables such as age, educational course, socio-economical base and dwelling don’t have significant relationship to student tendency to internet. Regressin analyze result shows that all dependent variables expressed that 62/3 percent of student tendency to internet. Varieties such as trust in parent relations, student's gender and social level respectively have more contribution in prediction student's tendency to internet. تفاصيل المقالة