اثرات محلول پاشی پرولین، مخمر و نیتروژن بر رشد و عملکرد گیاه دارویی زوفا (Hyssopus officinalis L) تحت کشت مخلوط با شنبلیله (Trigonellafoenum graecum L)
الموضوعات : اکوفیزیولوژی گیاهان زراعیابوالقاسم قراخانی بنی 1 , حمیدرضا جوانمرد 2 , عبدالله قاسمی پیربلوطی 3 , علی سلیمانی 4 , احمرضا گلپرور 5
1 - دانشجوی دکتری زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران
2 - استادیار زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران
3 - استاد گیاهان دارویی، مرکز تحقیقات گیاهان دارویی، واحد شهرقدس، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
4 - استاد زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران
5 - دانشیار زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان)، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: شنبلیله, کشت مخلوط, نسبت برابری زمین, اسانس, زوفا,
ملخص المقالة :
در این مطالعه، اثر محلولپاشی پرولین، مخمر و نیتروژن بر ویژگیهای رشد، عملکرد و خصوصیات کمّی و کیفی ماده موثره گیاه دارویی و معطر زوفا در شرایط کشت مخلوط با گیاه دارویی شنبلیله مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. این تحقیق به صورت کرتهای خرد شده در قالب طرح بلوکهای کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در شرایط مزرعهای در سال زراعی 97-1396 در دانشگاه شهرکرد اجرا گردید. عامل اصلی الگوی کشت، (کشت خالص زوفا 100%، کشت خالص شنبلیله 100% و سه نسبت مخلوط زوفا 50% + شنبلیله 50%، زوفا 75% + شنبلیله 25% و زوفا 25% + شنبلیله 75% بر اساس سری های جایگزینی) و عامل فرعی چهار سطح محلولپاشی شامل شاهد، پرولین، مخمر و نیتروژن در نظر گرفته شد. نتایج نشان داد که در گیاه زوفا در تیمارهای کشت مخلوط و محلول پاشی در مقایسه با کشت خالص و بدون محلولپاشی،صفات رشدی و فیزیولوژیکی نظیر ارتفاع بوته، تعداد شاخه جانبی و میزان کلروفیل a و کلروفیل b در برگ گیاه زوفا تحت تاثیر قرار گرفتند. تیمارهای کشت مخلوط و محلولپاشی در مقایسه با کشت خالص و عدم محلولپاشی از نسبت برابری زمین LER بالاتری برخوردار بود. میزان پرولین در تیمارهای کشت مخلوط و محلولپاشی نسبت به کشت خالص و بدون محلولپاشی کاهش یافته و تفاوت معنیداری را نشان داد. اثر کشت مخلوط بر درصد و عملکرد اسانس معنیدار بود ولی محلولپاشی تأثیر معنیداری بر روی این دو صفت نداشت. به طورکلی، می توان چنین نتیجه گرفت که محلولپاشی گیاه زوفا تحت کشت مخلوط آن با شنلیله باعث بهبود صفات مورفو-فیزیولوژیکی وعملکرد کمّی و کیفی ماده موثره یا اسانس گیاه دارویی زوفا میگردد.
Abdel-Rahman, M., A. Merwad, M. Desoky, E. Sayed, and M. Rady. 2018. Response of water deficit-stressed Vigna unguiculata performances to silicon, proline or ethionine foliar application. Scientia Horticulturae. 228: 132–144.
Alizadeh, Y., A. Koocheki, and M. Nassiri Mahallati. 2010. Yield, yield components and potential weed control of intercropping bean with sweet basil. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 7(2): 541-553. (In Persian).
Aly, A., N. Eliwa, and M.H. Abd-El Megid. 2019. Improvement of growth, productivity and some chemical properties of hot pepper by foliar application of amino acids and yeast extract. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. 13: 831-839.
Amany, A.B. 2007. Effect of plant density and urea foliar application on yield and yield components of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 3(4): 220-223.
Arnon, A.N. 1967. Method of extraction of chlorophyll in the plants. Agronomy Journal. 23: 11-121.
Babazadeh, Sh., M. Kavoosi, M. Esfandiari, M. Nahvi, and M. Allahgholipour. 2011. Effects of nitrogen rates and application method on grain yield and yield components. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 7: 727-734. (In Persian).
Bates, I.S., P. Waldern, and I.D. Teare. 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water stress studies. Plant and Soil. 39: 205-207.
Bigonah R., P. Rezvani Moghadam, and M. Jahan. The effect of mixed culture on biological performance, nitrogen content and morphological characteristics of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. and Coriandrum sativum L. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research. 6(1): 67-78. (In Persian).
Dhima, K.V., A.S. Lithourgidis, I.B. Vasilakoglou, and C.A. Dordas. Competition indices of vetch and cereal intercrops in two ratio. Field Crops Research. 100: 249-256.
Esmaeiliam, Y., and M. Behzad Amiri. 2021. Agronomic and economic evaluation of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.) intercropping under micronutrient applications. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 15: 1-20. (In Persian).
Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., H. Mohamadpoor, I. Bajalan, and F. Malekpoor. 2019. Chemical compositions and antioxidant activity of essential oils from inflorescences of two landraces of hyssop [Hyssopusofficinalis subsp. angustifolius (Bieb.)] cultivated in Southwestern, Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 22: 1074-1081.
Gholami Zali, A., and P. Ehsanzadeh. 2018. Exogenously applied proline as a tool to enhance water use efficiency: Case of fennel. Agricultural Water Management. 197: 138–146.
Gholinezhad, E., and E. Rezaei-Chiyaneh. 2014. Evaluation of grain yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa) in intercropping with chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 16:(3). 236-249. (In Persian).
Habibzadeh, F., and Asghari. 2018. Investigating the effect of intercropping and chemical fertilizers on the amount of essential oil and phenol content and flavonoid and some biological properties of Hyssop. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants. 23(3). (In Persian).
Hammad, S.A.R., and O.A.M. Ali. 2014. Physiological and biochemical studies on drought tolerance of wheat plants by application of aminoacids and yeast extract. Annals of Agricultural Science. 59: 133-145.
Kakolvand, R., S. Fallahand, and A. Abbasi. 2016. Effect of species competition on photosynthetic pigments, proline, Relative leaf water content and the essential oil content of Trigonella foenum graceum and Nigella sativa in drought stress conditions. Journal of Plant Process and Function. 6: 10-19 (In Persian).
Khalesi, A., Gh. Afsharmanesh, and M. H. shirzadi. 2022. Effect of nano zinc and iron chelates ratios on yield and yield components of grain maize (Zea mays) in intercropping with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 16: 115-132. (In Persian).
Koocheki, A., A. Javanmard, and M. Morshedloo. 2016. Evaluation of the effects of saffron–cumin intercropping on growth, quality and land equivalent ratio under semi-arid conditions. Scientia Horticulturae. 201: 190–198.
Koocheki, A., L. Tabrizi, and R. Ghorbani. 2008. Evaluation of the effect of biological fertikizers on growth characteristics, yield and qualitative characteristics hyssop medicinal plant. Iranian Journal of Crop Research. 1(6): 127-137. (In Persian).
Kuepper, G. 2003. Foliar fertilization. http://www.attra.ncat.org.
Lichtenthaler, H.K. and A.R. Wellburn. 1983. Determinations of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in different solvents. Biochemical Society Transactions. 11: 591-592.
Mirhashemi, S.M., A. Kouchaki, and N. Parsa. 2009. Investigating the benefits of mixing Trachyspermum and fenugreek in different levels of animal manure and planting. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research. 7(1): 269-278. (In Persian).
Moghbeli, T., S. Bolandnazar, J. Panahande, and Y. Raei. 2019. Evaluation of yield and its components on onion and fenugreek intercropping ratios in different planting densities. Journal of Cleaner Production. 213: 634-641.
Monti, M., A.C. Pellicanò, C. Santonoceto, G. Preiti, and A. Pristeri. 2016. Yield components and nitrogen use in cereal-pea intercrops in Mediterranean environment. Field Crops Research. 196: 379-388.
Olaiya, C.O. 2010. Presowing bioregulator seed treatments increase the seedling growthand yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 29(3): 349-356.
Poggio, S.L. 2005. Structure of weed communities occurring in monoculture and intercropping of field pea and barley. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 109: 48-58.
Pour Yousef, M., A.L. Yousefi, M. Oveisi, and F. Asadi. 2015. Intercropping of fenugreek as living mulch at different densities for weed suppression in coriander. Journal of Crop Protection. 69: 60-64.
Ramamohan Reddy, K., B.V. Rao, V. Raoand and C. Sarala. 2014. Water use efficiency through drip irrigation in water scarcity area-a case study. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2014): With a Focal Theme on Ecosystem Resilience-rural and Urban Water Requirements (29th October - 1stNovember). 1265p.
Rania, M.A., Y. M. Nassar, A. Ahmed, and M.A. Dalia. 2011. Effect of foliar spray with active yeast extract on morphological, anatomical and yield characteristics of Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 5(5): 1071-1079.
Rezvani Moghadam, P., and R.A. Moradi. 2012. Investigating the planting date, biological fertilizer and cultivation mixture on the yield and quantity of cumin and fenugreek essential oil. Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 43(2): 217-230 (In Persian).
Rezvani Moghadam, R., M.R. Raoofi, M.H. Rashed Mohassel, and R. Moradi. 2009. Evaluation of sowing patterns and weed control on mung bean (Vigna radiata Wilczek)- black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) intercropping system. Journal of Agroecology. 1: 65-79. (In Persian).
Richard, G.A., S. Pereira, S.D. Rae, and M. Smith. 1998. Crop evapotranspiration guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper. No. 56, Rome Italy.
Salehi, A., B. Mehdi, S. Fallah, H.P. Kaul, and R.W. Neugschwandtner. 2018. Productivity and nutrient use efficiency with integrated fertilization of buckwheat–fenugreek intercrops. Nutrinet Cycling in Agroecosystems. 110: 407-425.
Samani, MR., A. Ghasemi Pirbalouti, F. Moattar, and A.R. Golparvar. 2019. L-Phenylalanine and bio-fertilizers interaction effects on growth, yield and chemical compositions and content of essential oil from the sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves. Industial Crops and Products. 137: 1-8.
Tavallali, V., V. Rowshan, H. Gholami, and S.Hojati. 2020. Iron-urea nano-complex improves bioactive compounds in essential oils of Ocimum basilicum Scientia Horticulturae. 265: 1-11.
Thorsted, M., D.J.E. Olesenand, and J. Weiner. 2006. Width of clover strips and wheat rows influence grain yield in winter wheat/clover intercropping. Field Crops Research. 95: 280-290.
Weisany W., Y. Raei, and I. Pertot. 2015. Changes in the essential oil yield and composition of dill (Anethum graveolens) as response to arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization and cropping system. Industrial Crops and Products.77: 295-306.
Zahedi, H., A.H. Shirani-Rad, and H.R. Tohidi-Moghadam. 2012. Zeolite and selenium application and their effects on production and physiological attributes of canola cultivars under water stress. Agronomy Science. 46(5): 489-497.
_||_Abdel-Rahman, M., A. Merwad, M. Desoky, E. Sayed, and M. Rady. 2018. Response of water deficit-stressed Vigna unguiculata performances to silicon, proline or ethionine foliar application. Scientia Horticulturae. 228: 132–144.
Alizadeh, Y., A. Koocheki, and M. Nassiri Mahallati. 2010. Yield, yield components and potential weed control of intercropping bean with sweet basil. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 7(2): 541-553. (In Persian).
Aly, A., N. Eliwa, and M.H. Abd-El Megid. 2019. Improvement of growth, productivity and some chemical properties of hot pepper by foliar application of amino acids and yeast extract. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. 13: 831-839.
Amany, A.B. 2007. Effect of plant density and urea foliar application on yield and yield components of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 3(4): 220-223.
Arnon, A.N. 1967. Method of extraction of chlorophyll in the plants. Agronomy Journal. 23: 11-121.
Babazadeh, Sh., M. Kavoosi, M. Esfandiari, M. Nahvi, and M. Allahgholipour. 2011. Effects of nitrogen rates and application method on grain yield and yield components. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 7: 727-734. (In Persian).
Bates, I.S., P. Waldern, and I.D. Teare. 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water stress studies. Plant and Soil. 39: 205-207.
Bigonah R., P. Rezvani Moghadam, and M. Jahan. The effect of mixed culture on biological performance, nitrogen content and morphological characteristics of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. and Coriandrum sativum L. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research. 6(1): 67-78. (In Persian).
Dhima, K.V., A.S. Lithourgidis, I.B. Vasilakoglou, and C.A. Dordas. Competition indices of vetch and cereal intercrops in two ratio. Field Crops Research. 100: 249-256.
Esmaeiliam, Y., and M. Behzad Amiri. 2021. Agronomic and economic evaluation of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.) intercropping under micronutrient applications. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 15: 1-20. (In Persian).
Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., H. Mohamadpoor, I. Bajalan, and F. Malekpoor. 2019. Chemical compositions and antioxidant activity of essential oils from inflorescences of two landraces of hyssop [Hyssopusofficinalis subsp. angustifolius (Bieb.)] cultivated in Southwestern, Iran. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 22: 1074-1081.
Gholami Zali, A., and P. Ehsanzadeh. 2018. Exogenously applied proline as a tool to enhance water use efficiency: Case of fennel. Agricultural Water Management. 197: 138–146.
Gholinezhad, E., and E. Rezaei-Chiyaneh. 2014. Evaluation of grain yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa) in intercropping with chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 16:(3). 236-249. (In Persian).
Habibzadeh, F., and Asghari. 2018. Investigating the effect of intercropping and chemical fertilizers on the amount of essential oil and phenol content and flavonoid and some biological properties of Hyssop. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants. 23(3). (In Persian).
Hammad, S.A.R., and O.A.M. Ali. 2014. Physiological and biochemical studies on drought tolerance of wheat plants by application of aminoacids and yeast extract. Annals of Agricultural Science. 59: 133-145.
Kakolvand, R., S. Fallahand, and A. Abbasi. 2016. Effect of species competition on photosynthetic pigments, proline, Relative leaf water content and the essential oil content of Trigonella foenum graceum and Nigella sativa in drought stress conditions. Journal of Plant Process and Function. 6: 10-19 (In Persian).
Khalesi, A., Gh. Afsharmanesh, and M. H. shirzadi. 2022. Effect of nano zinc and iron chelates ratios on yield and yield components of grain maize (Zea mays) in intercropping with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 16: 115-132. (In Persian).
Koocheki, A., A. Javanmard, and M. Morshedloo. 2016. Evaluation of the effects of saffron–cumin intercropping on growth, quality and land equivalent ratio under semi-arid conditions. Scientia Horticulturae. 201: 190–198.
Koocheki, A., L. Tabrizi, and R. Ghorbani. 2008. Evaluation of the effect of biological fertikizers on growth characteristics, yield and qualitative characteristics hyssop medicinal plant. Iranian Journal of Crop Research. 1(6): 127-137. (In Persian).
Kuepper, G. 2003. Foliar fertilization. http://www.attra.ncat.org.
Lichtenthaler, H.K. and A.R. Wellburn. 1983. Determinations of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in different solvents. Biochemical Society Transactions. 11: 591-592.
Mirhashemi, S.M., A. Kouchaki, and N. Parsa. 2009. Investigating the benefits of mixing Trachyspermum and fenugreek in different levels of animal manure and planting. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research. 7(1): 269-278. (In Persian).
Moghbeli, T., S. Bolandnazar, J. Panahande, and Y. Raei. 2019. Evaluation of yield and its components on onion and fenugreek intercropping ratios in different planting densities. Journal of Cleaner Production. 213: 634-641.
Monti, M., A.C. Pellicanò, C. Santonoceto, G. Preiti, and A. Pristeri. 2016. Yield components and nitrogen use in cereal-pea intercrops in Mediterranean environment. Field Crops Research. 196: 379-388.
Olaiya, C.O. 2010. Presowing bioregulator seed treatments increase the seedling growthand yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 29(3): 349-356.
Poggio, S.L. 2005. Structure of weed communities occurring in monoculture and intercropping of field pea and barley. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 109: 48-58.
Pour Yousef, M., A.L. Yousefi, M. Oveisi, and F. Asadi. 2015. Intercropping of fenugreek as living mulch at different densities for weed suppression in coriander. Journal of Crop Protection. 69: 60-64.
Ramamohan Reddy, K., B.V. Rao, V. Raoand and C. Sarala. 2014. Water use efficiency through drip irrigation in water scarcity area-a case study. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2014): With a Focal Theme on Ecosystem Resilience-rural and Urban Water Requirements (29th October - 1stNovember). 1265p.
Rania, M.A., Y. M. Nassar, A. Ahmed, and M.A. Dalia. 2011. Effect of foliar spray with active yeast extract on morphological, anatomical and yield characteristics of Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 5(5): 1071-1079.
Rezvani Moghadam, P., and R.A. Moradi. 2012. Investigating the planting date, biological fertilizer and cultivation mixture on the yield and quantity of cumin and fenugreek essential oil. Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 43(2): 217-230 (In Persian).
Rezvani Moghadam, R., M.R. Raoofi, M.H. Rashed Mohassel, and R. Moradi. 2009. Evaluation of sowing patterns and weed control on mung bean (Vigna radiata Wilczek)- black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) intercropping system. Journal of Agroecology. 1: 65-79. (In Persian).
Richard, G.A., S. Pereira, S.D. Rae, and M. Smith. 1998. Crop evapotranspiration guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper. No. 56, Rome Italy.
Salehi, A., B. Mehdi, S. Fallah, H.P. Kaul, and R.W. Neugschwandtner. 2018. Productivity and nutrient use efficiency with integrated fertilization of buckwheat–fenugreek intercrops. Nutrinet Cycling in Agroecosystems. 110: 407-425.
Samani, MR., A. Ghasemi Pirbalouti, F. Moattar, and A.R. Golparvar. 2019. L-Phenylalanine and bio-fertilizers interaction effects on growth, yield and chemical compositions and content of essential oil from the sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves. Industial Crops and Products. 137: 1-8.
Tavallali, V., V. Rowshan, H. Gholami, and S.Hojati. 2020. Iron-urea nano-complex improves bioactive compounds in essential oils of Ocimum basilicum Scientia Horticulturae. 265: 1-11.
Thorsted, M., D.J.E. Olesenand, and J. Weiner. 2006. Width of clover strips and wheat rows influence grain yield in winter wheat/clover intercropping. Field Crops Research. 95: 280-290.
Weisany W., Y. Raei, and I. Pertot. 2015. Changes in the essential oil yield and composition of dill (Anethum graveolens) as response to arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization and cropping system. Industrial Crops and Products.77: 295-306.
Zahedi, H., A.H. Shirani-Rad, and H.R. Tohidi-Moghadam. 2012. Zeolite and selenium application and their effects on production and physiological attributes of canola cultivars under water stress. Agronomy Science. 46(5): 489-497.