Prioritize Development of Corporate Social Responsibility in Food Industry Based on the Taxonomy Method
الموضوعات :Vahide Hajihassani 1 , Hassan Rangriz 2 , Babak Hajikarimi 3
1 - Department of Management, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
2 - Department of MBA, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Management, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Corporate Social Responsibility, Taxonomy, Grounded Theory,
ملخص المقالة :
The purpose of this study is to prioritize the development of social responsibility in the food industry based on the taxonomy method. The method of this research is qualitative-quantitative, which in the qualitative stage of the research, using in-depth interviews with food industry experts, Experts were identified by purposeful sampling and snowball sampling, and due to the adequacy of the data, a total of 13 experts were interviewed. The model was fitted using a questionnaire based on structural equations with Smart PLS software based on base theory and in a quantitative stage of research. In this study, 149 questionnaires were collected from a number of companies active in the food industry in Tehran and Zanjan provinces. In the second phase of the research, those food industry experts in the selected provinces were considered as cluster sampling classified as community. The required number of samples was determined based on the sample adequacy method. The model was fitted and the model was approved and finally using taxonomy method, degree development of food industry responsibility was achieved. According to the results of the research, Zarmakaron Company was able to occupy the first rank among nine companies.
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