Designing and validating a model of reflective skills for Iranian EFL teachers
الموضوعات :
Elham Kargar Jahromie
Shahram Afraz
Farhad Fahandezh
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of English Language, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm.
2 - Department of English Language, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
3 - Department of English Language, Bandar Lenge Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Lenge, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Reflection, Reflective Skills, Reflective Teachers, Reflective Thinking,
ملخص المقالة :
This study aimed to develop and validate a model of reflective skills for Iranian EFL teachers to help them acquire reflective skills. Accordingly, an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design was used in two phases. In the qualitative phase, 50 EFL teachers were recruited based on available sampling method from different private language institutes of Fars Province, Iran to participate in semi-structured interviews. The interview data were analyzed following open, axial, and selective coding procedures and the results were used to develop a reflective skills questionnaire. The quantitative phase involved 300 EFL teachers who were selected through available sampling to complete the researcher-made questionnaire. The process of quantitative data analysis was conducted through Cronbach’s Alpha test, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). According to the results, a model of reflective skills for Iranian EFL teachers was designed consisting of three main components including social skills, pedagogical skills, and transformative skills, with twelve sub-components. The findings offer some implications for policymakers, teacher trainers, and other stakeholders in charge of training and recruiting EFL teachers.
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