بررسی دو عنصرکیفیت نمایش( کشمکش و صحنه) در داستان اسکندر در شاهنامه از حیث اقتباس سینمایی
الموضوعات :
مریم اسمعلی پور
محسن هاشمی
علیرضا پورشبانان
1 - دانشجوی دکترای زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه هنر، تهران، ایران
2 - دانشیار گروه آموزشی سینما، دانشگاه هنر، تهران، ایران (نویسنده مسؤول)
3 - استادیار دانشگاه هنر تهران، ایران
تاريخ الإرسال : 17 السبت , ربيع الأول, 1443
تاريخ التأكيد : 17 الإثنين , رمضان, 1443
تاريخ الإصدار : 01 الجمعة , شوال, 1444
الکلمات المفتاحية:
آئینه اسکندری,
امیرخسرو دهلوی,
سینما و اقتباس,
ملخص المقالة :
آئینه اسکندری امیرخسرو دهلوی یکی از متون ادبیات کلاسیک فارسی است که در ترکیبی از خیال و تاریخ و خلاقیت شاعر، وجوهی از شخصیت اسکندر را در قالب ماجراهای مختلف و با تمرکز بر درونمایههای گوناگون برای مخاطب قابل لمس نموده است. با توجه به آنکه این اثر با بهره گیری از پشتوانۀ هنری و ادبی متون پیش از خود منظوم شده، از ظرفیت های بیانی مطلوبی برخوردار است و می توان با تمرکز بر تنوع درونمایه ها و ساختار ارائۀ تصویری آنها، از این قابلیت برای تولید نسخۀ سینمایی استفادۀ مناسب نمود. این مهم زمانی اهمیت پیدا میکند که شاهد هستیم در دو فیلم مهم اقتباسی اسکندر (2004) و الکساندر کبیر(1956) هیچیک از این درونمایهها دیده نمیشود. بر این اساس در مقالۀ پیش رو هدف این است تا به روش توصیفی-تحلیلی به این پرسش اصلی پاسخ داده شود که با تأکید بر کدام درونمایه ها در این اثر می توان قابلیت های اقتباسی این متن را مطلوب ارزیابی نمود به گونهای که بسیار متفاوت از فیلم-های اقتباسی باشد. از این منظر، باید گفت درونمایه هایی چون نقش فعال زنان در عشق و حماسه، ارتباط با ماورا و علوم جدید با توجه به تکرار در تاریخ سینما از موارد مطلوب برای تصویرسازی در این متن است و درونمایۀجست وجو در ظرف بیانی سفر در کنار نقش منجی نمای اسکندر و قدرت برتری و استیلاجویی نظامی و فرهنگی ارائه شده از این شخصیت در خلال ماجراهای گوناگون، آئینه اسکندری را به اثری با درونمایه های پرمخاطب و مناسب برای اقتباس تبدیل کرده است.
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Islami Nadowshan, Mohammad Ali, (1365), Iran and the world from the perspective of Shahnameh, Tehran:
Scott, Jeffrey (2014), How to write for animation, Trans. Amir Massoud Alamdari and Parisa Kashanian, Tehran: New Art
Aristotle, (1337), The Art of Poetry (Botiqa), Fathullah Mojtabaei, Tehran: Andisheh.
Bazan, Andre (1998), What is Cinema, Mohammad Shahba, Tehran: Hermes.
Unknown (2001), online Etymology Dictionary, https://www.etymonline.com/word/drama
Unknown (1396), "Critique of Alexander's anti-Iranian film; Raspberry and contradiction", the website of the myth makers, October 14, at 9:59. http://ostoorehsazan.ir/1396/07/23.
Pasolini, Pierre Paolo (1385). Poetry Cinema in the Constructivism and Semiotics of Cinema, compiled by Bill Nichols, trans. Aladdin Tabatabai, Tehran:
Servat, Mansour (1372), Proceedings of the International Military Congress, Tabriz: Tabriz University Press.
Jahazi, Badri (2013), "Adaptation from the epic legends of Shahnameh", Iranian People Culture Quarterly, No. 33, pp. 53-71.
Jahed, Cyrus (2007), "Alexander by Oliver Stone", Cinema Blog, January, 12:37. http://kouroshjahed.blogfa.com/post/10.
Hakemi Vala, Ismail; Raeisi Bahan, Mostafa (2005), "A Look at Dramatic Effects in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and Khamseh Nezami", Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Vol. 56, No. 4 1-21
Hayati, Zahra; Pournamdarian, Taghi (2016), "Rereading Literary Images in Shams Ghazals from the Perspective of Image Aesthetics in Cinema", Archeology of Persian Literature, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 23-60.
Kheiri, Mohammad (2005), Adaptation for Screenplay: A Research in Adaptation of Literary Works for Screenwriting, Tehran:
Khaleghi Motlagh, Jalal (2007), "From Shahnameh to Khodainameh", Letter of Ancient Iran, Vol. 7, Issues 1 and 2, pp. 3-119
Dudley Andrew, James (2002), "Adaptation Foundation", Farabi, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 128-119.
Siger, Linda (2001), Writing an Adapted Screenplay, trans. Abbas Akbari, Tehran: Niloufar
Hutcheon, Linda (2017), A Theory of Adaptation, trans. Mahsa khodakarami, Tehran: Markaz
Safa, Zabihollah (1372), Epic writing in Iran, Tehran: Amirkabir.
Zabeti Jahromi, Ahmad (2014), "Cinema and Historiography: A Discourse of the Historical Film Type", Letter of Visual Arts and Music, 5, No. 9, 31-44.
Zabeti Jahromi, Ahmad (1999), Cinema and the Structure of Poetic Images in Shahnameh, Tehran:
Ferdowsi, Abolghasem- (2007), Shahnameh, Jalal Khaleghi Motlagh, vol. 5-6, Tehran: The Great Islamic Encyclopedia.
Casebier, Allan (1373), Film appreciation, trans. Bahman Taheri, Tehran: Cheshmeh.
Campbell, Joseph (1394). The hero of a thousand faces. Trans. Shadi Khosropanah. 6th edition. Mashhad: Gole Aftab.
Chambers, E. K. (1903). The Medieval Stage: book I. Minstrelsy. Book II. Folk drama (Vol. 1). Clarendon Press.
Maki, Ebrahim (2011), Recognizing the factors of the play, Tehran: Soroush.
Motazedeh, Khosrow (1397), "Historical Critique of Alexander Oliver Store by Motazedeh", Sunday, December 9, at 9:44 PM: http://cinemapress.ir/news/105457
Metz, P. K. (1998). The Tao of Learning: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age. Green Dragon Books.
McKee, Robert (2012), Story, Structure, Style and Principles of Screenwriting, trans. Mohammad Gozarabadi, Tehran: Hermes
Mitchell, J. (1908). Significant Etymology: Or, Roots, Stems, and Branches of the English Language. William Blackwood and sons.
Hashemi, Mohsen (2009), Ferdowsi and the Art of Cinema, Tehran: Alam.
Hayward, Susan (2002), Key Concepts in Cinematic Studies, Fattah Mohammadi, Tehran: Third Millennium.
Halliwell, S. (1998). Aristotle's poetics. University of Chicago Press.
Movie's Name:
Gibson, Mel (1995), “Brave heart”, Icon Productions and the Ladd Company Company, USA.
Hyung-rae, Shim (2007), “Dragon Wars: D-War”, CJ Entertainment Company, South Korea.
Jackson, Peter (2012-2014), “Hobbit” (1-3), New Line CinemaMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Company, New Zealand and USA.
Scott, Ridley (2000), “Gladiator”, Scott Free Productions, Red wagon and Entertainment Companies, USA and UK.
Silvestrini, Ivan (2020), “Dragon heart: Vengeance”, Raffaella Productions and Universal 1440 and Entertainment companies, United States.
Syversen, Patrik (2017), “Dragon heart: Battle for the Heartfire”, Castel Film Romania and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment Companies, USA and Romania.
Stone, Oliver; Kyle, Christopher; Kalogridis, Laeta (2004), Ixtlan Productions (Produced), “Alexander”, Intermedia Films, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States.
Rossen, Robert/ Griffith, Gordon (1956), “Alexander the Great”, C.B. Films S.A. Company, United States and Spain.
Ritchie, Guy (2017), “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword”, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, Weed Road Pictures, Safe house Pictures Company, USA, Australia and UK.
Islami Nadowshan, Mohammad Ali, (1365), Iran and the world from the perspective of Shahnameh, Tehran:
Scott, Jeffrey (2014), How to write for animation, Trans. Amir Massoud Alamdari and Parisa Kashanian, Tehran: New Art
Aristotle, (1337), The Art of Poetry (Botiqa), Fathullah Mojtabaei, Tehran: Andisheh.
Bazan, Andre (1998), What is Cinema, Mohammad Shahba, Tehran: Hermes.
Unknown (2001), online Etymology Dictionary, https://www.etymonline.com/word/drama
Unknown (1396), "Critique of Alexander's anti-Iranian film; Raspberry and contradiction", the website of the myth makers, October 14, at 9:59. http://ostoorehsazan.ir/1396/07/23.
Pasolini, Pierre Paolo (1385). Poetry Cinema in the Constructivism and Semiotics of Cinema, compiled by Bill Nichols, trans. Aladdin Tabatabai, Tehran:
Servat, Mansour (1372), Proceedings of the International Military Congress, Tabriz: Tabriz University Press.
Jahazi, Badri (2013), "Adaptation from the epic legends of Shahnameh", Iranian People Culture Quarterly, No. 33, pp. 53-71.
Jahed, Cyrus (2007), "Alexander by Oliver Stone", Cinema Blog, January, 12:37. http://kouroshjahed.blogfa.com/post/10.
Hakemi Vala, Ismail; Raeisi Bahan, Mostafa (2005), "A Look at Dramatic Effects in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and Khamseh Nezami", Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Vol. 56, No. 4 1-21
Hayati, Zahra; Pournamdarian, Taghi (2016), "Rereading Literary Images in Shams Ghazals from the Perspective of Image Aesthetics in Cinema", Archeology of Persian Literature, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 23-60.
Kheiri, Mohammad (2005), Adaptation for Screenplay: A Research in Adaptation of Literary Works for Screenwriting, Tehran:
Khaleghi Motlagh, Jalal (2007), "From Shahnameh to Khodainameh", Letter of Ancient Iran, Vol. 7, Issues 1 and 2, pp. 3-119
Dudley Andrew, James (2002), "Adaptation Foundation", Farabi, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 128-119.
Siger, Linda (2001), Writing an Adapted Screenplay, trans. Abbas Akbari, Tehran: Niloufar
Hutcheon, Linda (2017), A Theory of Adaptation, trans. Mahsa khodakarami, Tehran: Markaz
Safa, Zabihollah (1372), Epic writing in Iran, Tehran: Amirkabir.
Zabeti Jahromi, Ahmad (2014), "Cinema and Historiography: A Discourse of the Historical Film Type", Letter of Visual Arts and Music, 5, No. 9, 31-44.
Zabeti Jahromi, Ahmad (1999), Cinema and the Structure of Poetic Images in Shahnameh, Tehran:
Ferdowsi, Abolghasem- (2007), Shahnameh, Jalal Khaleghi Motlagh, vol. 5-6, Tehran: The Great Islamic Encyclopedia.
Casebier, Allan (1373), Film appreciation, trans. Bahman Taheri, Tehran: Cheshmeh.
Campbell, Joseph (1394). The hero of a thousand faces. Trans. Shadi Khosropanah. 6th edition. Mashhad: Gole Aftab.
Chambers, E. K. (1903). The Medieval Stage: book I. Minstrelsy. Book II. Folk drama (Vol. 1). Clarendon Press.
Maki, Ebrahim (2011), Recognizing the factors of the play, Tehran: Soroush.
Motazedeh, Khosrow (1397), "Historical Critique of Alexander Oliver Store by Motazedeh", Sunday, December 9, at 9:44 PM: http://cinemapress.ir/news/105457
Metz, P. K. (1998). The Tao of Learning: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age. Green Dragon Books.
McKee, Robert (2012), Story, Structure, Style and Principles of Screenwriting, trans. Mohammad Gozarabadi, Tehran: Hermes
Mitchell, J. (1908). Significant Etymology: Or, Roots, Stems, and Branches of the English Language. William Blackwood and sons.
Hashemi, Mohsen (2009), Ferdowsi and the Art of Cinema, Tehran: Alam.
Hayward, Susan (2002), Key Concepts in Cinematic Studies, Fattah Mohammadi, Tehran: Third Millennium.
Halliwell, S. (1998). Aristotle's poetics. University of Chicago Press.
Movie's Name:
Gibson, Mel (1995), “Brave heart”, Icon Productions and the Ladd Company Company, USA.
Hyung-rae, Shim (2007), “Dragon Wars: D-War”, CJ Entertainment Company, South Korea.
Jackson, Peter (2012-2014), “Hobbit” (1-3), New Line CinemaMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Company, New Zealand and USA.
Scott, Ridley (2000), “Gladiator”, Scott Free Productions, Red wagon and Entertainment Companies, USA and UK.
Silvestrini, Ivan (2020), “Dragon heart: Vengeance”, Raffaella Productions and Universal 1440 and Entertainment companies, United States.
Syversen, Patrik (2017), “Dragon heart: Battle for the Heartfire”, Castel Film Romania and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment Companies, USA and Romania.
Stone, Oliver; Kyle, Christopher; Kalogridis, Laeta (2004), Ixtlan Productions (Produced), “Alexander”, Intermedia Films, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States.
Rossen, Robert/ Griffith, Gordon (1956), “Alexander the Great”, C.B. Films S.A. Company, United States and Spain.
Ritchie, Guy (2017), “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword”, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, Weed Road Pictures, Safe house Pictures Company, USA, Australia and UK.