A Comparative Quality Assessment of Two English Translations of Ghazaliyat of Hafez Using House's Model
الموضوعات : نشریه زبان و ترجمهMaryam Moghtaderi Esfahani 1 , Hossein Younesi 2
1 - English Department, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - English Department, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Hafez, Translation quality assessment, House’s TQA model, Overt and covert errors,
ملخص المقالة :
The present research studied two translations of Hafez’s Ghazaliyat: one in prose by John Slater, Jeffrey Einboden, and the other in rhymed prose by Manavaz Alexandrian. House’s Translation Quality Assessment model concerning overt and covert errors was adapted in this assessment. In this regard, the commonly translated poetry of two translators (14 poems) was compared. To prepare the overt errors tables, each verse was initially understood through the interpretation of the book Sharh-e Shoq by Hamidian (2011) and then compared with the two translations to detect the errors. The study also extracted the covert errors by deeply analyzing both profiles of the source and target texts. The findings revealed that the two translations were not very different in terms of quality. Nevertheless, the first one was somehow closer to covert translation because it did not make any additional rhyme contrary to Alexandrian.
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جاسبی ،عبدالله ، خرمشاهی ، بهاء الدین ، 1397 ، دانشنامه حافظ و حافظ پژوهی ، انتشارات موسسه فرهنگی هنری نخستان فارسی
حمیدیان ، سعیدیان ،1389 شرح شوق. شرح و تحلیل اشعار حافظ ، نشر قطره
خرمشاهی، بهاء الدین، 1387، حافظ، انتشارات ناهید
ناتل خانلری، پرویز ،1359 ، دیوان حافظ خواجه شمس الدین محمد غزلیات حافظ ، نشر نیل