Investigating the Social Practice of Persian Translations of ‘The Girl You Left Behind’ through Translators’ Lexical and Grammatical Strategies
Subject Areas : All areas of language and translation
Zeinab Zargari
Ali Rabi
1 - M.A in translation studies, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, IAU (South Tehran Branch), Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, English Translation Department, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, IAU (South Tehran Branch), Iran
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Manipulation, translation, Social Practice,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to shed light upon the differences of social practice of Persian translations of The Girl You Left Behind written by Jojo Moyes (2012) with original text in English based on Fairclough's (1995) model. In this regard, through a careful analysis of the source and target texts, English social prac- tice instances were selected along with their Persian equivalents as the corpora of the study to investigate the differences between the grammatical and lexical features of the social practices. The English and Per- sian social practices were analyzed and compared in accordance with Fairclough's (1995) framework. The results showed that the translators manipulated the social practice of the target texts by exercising their ideologies through applying their grammatical and lexical choices that led to ideological manipulation in the translations. In addition, the results revealed that autonomous creation has been the most frequently observed strategy, which can be interpreted as the common tendency among translators to resort to creat- ing an equivalent.
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