Peer scaffolding in an EFL writing classroom: An investigation of writing accuracy and scaffolding behaviors
Subject Areas : Research in English Language PedagogyParastou Gholami Pasand 1 * , Abdorreza Tahriri 2
1 - Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Arak University, Iran
2 - Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Guilan, Iran
Keywords: Microgenetic Analysis, Peer Scaffolding, Writing Accuracy, interaction, academic writing,
Abstract :
Considering the tenets of Sociocultural Theory with its emphasis on co-construction of knowledge, L2 writing can be regarded as a co-writing practice whereby assistance is provided to struggling writers. To date, most studies have dealt with peer scaffolding in the revision phase of writing, as such planning and drafting are remained untouched. The present study examines the impact of peer scaffolding on writing accuracy of a group of intermediate EFL learners, and explores scaffolding behaviors employed by them in planning and drafting phases of writing. To these ends, 40 freshmen majoring in English Language and Literature in the University of Guilan were randomly divided into a control group and an experimental group consisting of dyads in which a competent writer provided scaffolding to a less competent one using the process approach to writing. Results of independent samples t-tests revealed that learners in the experimental group produced more accurate essays. Microgenetic analysis of one dyad’s talks showed that scaffolding behaviors used in planning and drafting phases of writing were more or less the same as those identified in the revision phase. These findings can be used to inform peer intervention in L2 writing classes, and assist L2 learners in conducting successful peer scaffolding in the planning and drafting phases of writing.
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