Exploring Language Assessment Literacy and Assessment Self-Efficacy of Iraqi EFL Teachers: Perceptions and Interrelationship
Athraa Abd Ali Lateef AL-Aayedi
English Department, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Ehsan Rezvani
English Department, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Faris Kadhim Teema
College of Education for Humanities, Wasit University, Iraq
Fatemeh Karimi
English Department, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Iraqi EFL Teachers, Language Assessment, Literacy, Perception, Self-Efficacy ,
Abstract :
The present study sought to find Iraqi EFL teachers’ perceptions of their language assessment literacy, their assessment self-efficacy, and the relationship between these two variables. For this purpose, a survey design was adopted, and 140 Iraqi EFL teachers were selected using convenience sampling. The data were collected using the Language Assessment Literacy Scale and Assessment Self-Efficacy Scale and analyzed using Pearson correlation, one-sample t-test, and descriptive analysis. The data collection process took four months, and informed consent was obtained from the participants. The findings indicated that the items of the language assessment literacy scale, included in the five sub-scales of teachers’ knowledge of assessment objectives, scopes and types, assessment use consequences, fairness, assessment policies, and national policy and ideology, were highly appraised by Iraqi EFL teachers. Regarding assessment self-efficacy, the teachers evaluated themselves as efficacious in assessing students measured by self-efficacy for summative and formative assessment, overall self-efficacy in assessment, and assessment avoidance. Additionally, teachers’ knowledge of assessment objectives, scopes, and types was positively correlated with self-efficacy for summative assessment, self-efficacy for formative assessment, and overall self-efficacy in assessment. Fairness was positively related to self-efficacy for summative and formative assessment, and the consequences of the assessment use were positively correlated with self-efficacy for summative assessment and overall self-efficacy in assessment. In general, Iraqi EFL teachers possess a robust understanding of the various aspects of language assessment and expressed a high level of self-efficacy in their assessment capabilities, especially concerning both summative and formative assessments. The positive correlation between language assessment literacy and self-efficacy further emphasizes the importance of equipping teachers with comprehensive assessment skills, as it not only elevates their confidence but also enhances their ability to implement effective assessments.
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