Iranian EFL Learners' Self-regulation Development through Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning
Subject Areas : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Mohammad Javad Tandiseh
Mohammad Taghi Farvardin
Seyed Foad Ebrahimi
1 - Department of English, Boushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Boushehr, Iran
2 - Department of English, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - Department of English, Shadegan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shadegan, Iran
Keywords: Autonomous Learning, CALL, CAALL, Learners' Autonomy, Self-regulation,
Abstract :
This study investigated the effect of implementing Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning (CAALL) on the development of self-regulation in Iranian EFL learners through a mixed-methods design. Convenience non-random sampling was run to select the participants. A sample of 220 advanced EFL learners from four private English language institutes in Iran participated in this study. A quick placement test, a self-regulation questionnaire, and a learners' perceptions semi-structured interview were used to collect the required data. The learners' self-regulation questionnaire was administered to all the participants. Teachers, both autonomous and non-autonomous, separately implemented CAAL practice for 110 participants (experimental and control groups). Two teachers trained the experimental group on how to be autonomous in their reading performance, and they received CAALL in virtual mode. The control group underwent virtual reading practice. However, the control group did not receive the CAALL practice and instead received traditional reading instruction. The practice was presented through WhatsApp Messenger for 16 ninety-minute sessions. Following the instructional phase, we conducted interviews with the participants to explore their perspectives on the effectiveness of CAALL practice and autonomous learning. They were required to answer some semi-structured questions in a 20-minute interview, after which their answers were transcribed completely. The findings revealed that CAALL developed Iranian EFL learners' self-regulation. Moreover, Iranian EFL learners perceived CAALL as an effective approach to their learning development. This study offers valuable pedagogical insights for EFL teachers, learners, and designers of language teaching syllabuses.
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