Transient thermal stress intensity factors for an edge crack in a thin elastic plate via fractional-order framework
Subject Areas : Applied Mechanics
Apeksha Sanjayrao Balwir
Dilip Kamdi
Vinod Varghese
1 - Gondwana University, Gadchiroli
2 - Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi Art's, Comm & Sci College,
Saoli, Gadchiroli, India
3 - Department of Mathematics, Sushilabai Bharti Science College, Arni, Yavatmal, India
Keywords: fractional calculus, non-Fourier heat conduction, integral transform approach, fractional calculus, integral transform,
Abstract :
In this study, the analysis focuses on a transient thermoelastic problem in an isotropic homogeneous elastic plate that is exposed to heat loading within the framework of the fractional-order theory. The sectional heat supply is applied on both the front edge and the farthest edge of the rectangular plate. The integral transformation was considered as a means to solve the main governing equations. The Mittag-Leffler function is utilized to express the analytical solution for temperature change, displacement, and stress response. The investigation also encompasses the study of thermoelastic behaviors in a plate featuring a central crack. The stress intensity factors at the fracture tip are determined numerically using the weight function method in this proposed solution. The findings are depicted using numerical computations, considering the material as a media, and visually represented in graphical form. The findings of this investigation indicate that the utilization of the theory of generalized thermoelasticity with fractional order heat transfer provides a more precise depiction of the behavior shown by the constituent particles comprising an elastic body, in comparison to the theory of generalized thermoelasticity with integer order.
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