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  • Publication Ethics

    The author must acknowledge all the ethical principles for publishing an article. If the author(s) do not adhere to ethic principle; the journal has the right to take legal action national and internationally. Submitting an article by the author(s) means these rights are known. The author(s) and active individuals of the journal (Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board, Editors and publisher) must accept and agree the ethical rules and regulation of the journal. The code of ethics in COPEs is the author(s) guidelines and active editorial board of the journal.

    • Manuscript submission should be the specialized field of the quarterly journal and the result of the research work by the author(s).
    • In addition, the articles must be in the specialized field of the journal, the article or part of the article should not be published simultaneously in any other journal or under review. The article presented in conference, symposiums, internal and external seminars can be submitted as a full paper to the journal.
    • The journal is free to reject or accept, edit, duplicate or modify the received articles.
    • Correction and summarizing the article is done by the authors and the responsibility of the accuracy of the article content is the author responsibility. The author is responsible for the correspondence and publication of the article does not verify its content.
    • The rejected or withdrawn articles will be removed from the archive after six months and the journal will not be responsible for it.
    • If the author uses third person material in the article, the source must be referred to full information and number of the resource by the author.
    • The submitted article must not be published in any other journal, for this reason a statement letter is mandatory to be filled by the author stating that the article is original and not published in any other journal.
    • The paper will be as a trust to the publisher office until the time of publication.

    Publishing and printing decision

    Copyright law for publication and using other literary work is announced by the journal and the right of individual at the time of publication is protected.

    Fair decision on articles

    Decision making for articles at any stage will be conducted regardless of race, gender, religious belief, ethnicity, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors.

    Information Confidentiality

    The personal information of the author(s) of the article is completely confidential and protective for all people who have access to it, such as editor-in-chief, editorial board, internal administrator of the journal and other active agents such as reviewers, advisors, editors and publisher.

    Author(s) task

    Submitting standard scientific articles: Author(s) should prepare the article scientifically and coherent according to the journal standards. The method used in the article must be accurate and the data to be accurately reported. Through full referral, the right of other person in the article is respected. Avoid expressing issues related to sensitive, intangible, personal, racial or religious, fake or inaccurate information and translation of other works without mentioning the title in the article.

    Authenticity of the article presented: The articles submitted by the author(s) should be the original work of the author(s) for the article and any use of research of other people work must mention the source in the article.

    Simultaneously not to publish an article or article accepted or published: It is against the rule to publish the same article to several publication or the article been accepted by other publication.

    To provide proper referral: Referral includes all books, journals, online databases and other researches in the bibliography.

    Mention the responsible author and co-workers in the article and accuracy in the absence of the unrelated names.

    The responsible person of the article is the one who has been the main contributor to the preparation, design and execution of the paper, and the other authors are referred to as co-workers in the article. The main author of the article should refer to the names and information of all the authors. All the authors should agree to the written article for submission.

    Mention of Financial support: The author should introduce all the financial support for the article submitted; Announcement of fundamental error in the article; the author whenever finds any error or falsity in the article should inform the publisher to edit the article or to withdraw the article.

    Statement and confirmation of submission of article

    Submission of the article to the journal indicates that the author(s) acknowledges that the paper has not been published in any other reference (except section of the thesis or abstract in academic institutions). All the authors are well informed and satisfied with their publication and position of their article in the journal. Also, the submission of the article suggests that the institution or financial sponsor or location of the research has indicated its satisfaction with the publication of the paper. The author also undertakes that during the review process or acceptance of the article, this article with similar results in Persian or English or any other language has not been sent for publication to any other publication. Otherwise, the journal has the right to make complain. The author must commit that any source or data has not been mentioned without the source in the article and has taken permission from the original source.


    When the article is accepted for the journal, the author(s) are asked to complete the copyright statement form for publication and to submit to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The text file of this agreement includes copyright. Accepting the terms of this letter will help for suitable publication and a wide range of information.