پیامدهای اجرای بازاریابی علّی در سیستم بانکی و تأثیر آن بر وفادارسازی مشتریان به بانکها
محورهای موضوعی : مدیریت بازاریابی
علی ولی پور
محمود نورائی
کامیار کاوش
1 - دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت بازاریابی، واحد ابهر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ابهر، ایران
2 - استادیار، گروه مدیریت بازاریابی، واحد ابهر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ابهر، ایران
3 - استادیار، گروه مدیریت بازاریابی، واحد ابهر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ابهر، ایران
کلید واژه: پیامدهای رفتاری, فعالیتهای بشردوستانه, مسئولیتهای اجتماعی, بازاریابی علّی, وفاداری مشتریان,
چکیده مقاله :
هدف پژوهش: شناسایی پیامدهای ناشی از اجرای بازاریابی علّی در بانکها و تأثیر آن بر وفاداری مشتریان به سیستم بانکی در قالب یک مدل مفهومی. روش پژوهش: این پژوهش از نوع آمیخته بوده و به دو روش پدیدارشناسی (بخش کیفی) و پیمایشی (در بخش کمی) انجام شده است. جامعه آماری بخش کیفی مدیران ارشد بانک و خبرگان دانشگاهی و جامعه آماری بخش کمی مشتریان بانک کشاورزی هستند. دادههای بخش کیفی به روش کدگذاری باز و محوری و با نرمافزار MaxQD Apro 12 و بخش کمی به روش مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری و با نرمافزار Smart PLS 2 تحلیل شده است. نتایج پژوهش: اجرای بازاریابی علّی در سیستم بانکی منجر به پیامدهای اجتماعی، اقتصادی، بازاریابی و زیست محیطی میگردد. همچنین اجرای بازاریابی علّی در سیستم بانکی تأثیر معناداری بر وفاداری مشتریان به بانک دارد. محدودیتهای پژوهش: این پژوهش عمدتاً در حوزه بانک کشاورزی ایران و مشتریان آن صورت گرفته و مدل مفهومی موجود بنا بر شرایط و وضعیت بانک کشاورزی تدوین شده که محدودیت در تعمیم نتایج را به بار آورده و نتایج بخش وفاداری نیز قابل تعمیم به کل سیستم بانکی نخواهد بود. کاربردهای مدیریتی پژوهش: این پژوهش میتواند ایده استفاده از مسئولیتهای اجتماعی و بویژه استراتژیهای بازاریابی علّی در صنعت بانکداری را به مدیران بانکی ارائه نموده و از این رهگذر، ضمن کاهش هزینههای ناشی از جذب منابع گران قیمت، مشتریان، جامعه و سیستم بانکی را در منافع عملیات بانکی سهیم نماید. نوآوری پژوهش: بر اساس پیشینه پژوهش، مدل بازاریابی علّی در سیستم بانکی برای اولین بار در ایران پیادهسازی شده که از این حیث حائز نوآوری است.
Purpose: Identifying the consequences of implementing cause-related marketing in banks and its impact on customer loyalty to the banking system in the form of a conceptual model. Methodology: This research is of mixed method and has been done by two methods of phenomenology (qualitative part) and survey (in quantitative part). The statistical population is the qualitative part of the senior managers of the bank and university experts and the statistical community is the quantitative part of the customers of Keshavarzi Bank. The data of the qualitative part were analyzed by open and axial coding method with MaxQDApro12 software and the quantitative part by structural equation modeling method by SmartPLS2 software. Findings: The findings of this study not only show the different implications of Cause-related marketing and also its impact on customer loyalty. Research Limitations: This research has been done mainly in the field of Bank Keshavarzi Iran and its customers and the existing conceptual model has been developed according to the conditions of Bank Keshavarzi. Managerial Implications: This research can provide an idea for bank managers to use social responsibilities, especially cause-related marketing strategies in the banking industry and share the benefits of banking operations. Originality/Valve: Based on the research background, the cause-related marketing model in the banking system has been implemented for the first time in Iran, which in this respect is innovative.
بائی، س.، کردنائیج، ا. و دلخواه، ج. (1395). "چابکی استراتژیک در صنعت بانکداری ایران و تأثیر آن بر کارایی"، دو فصلنامه علی پژوهشی راهبردهای بازرگانی (دانشور رفتار)، دوره 13، شماره 8، صص. 58-43.
بیاتی صداقت، م.، سرداری، ا. و یزدانی، ن. (1396). "بررسی رابطهی بین ابعاد مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت و وفاداری مشتری (مورد مطالعه: شرکت حمل و نقل مسافری رجاء)"، دو فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشی راهبردهای بازرگانی (دانشور رفتار)، دوره 14، شماره 9 9، صص. 90-77.
علیزاده زوارم، ع.، فلاح، م.، و اسلامی، ق. (2011). "بازاریابی علّی: تزریق شهرت در برند شرکت"، مشهد، خراسان رضوی، ایران: بازیابی از https://www.researchgate.net/publication/
Aggarwal, V. & Singh, V.K. (2019). “Cause-related marketing and start-ups: Moderating role of cause involvement”, Journal of Global Responsibility, Vol. 10(1), PP. 16-30.
Alcheva, V., Yonggang, C. & Lingyan, Z. (2009). “Cause related marketing: How does a cause-related marketing shape consumer perception, attitude and behaviour?”, Master thesis Kristianstad University MBA International Marketing.
Andersen, S.E. & Johansen, T.S. (2016). “Cause-related marketing 2.0: Connection, collaboration and commitment”, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 22(5), PP. 524-543.
Auruskeviciene, V., Vianelli, D., Reardon, J. (2012). “Comparison of consumer ethnocentrism behavioural patterns in transitional economies”, Transformations in Business and Economics, Vol. 11(2), PP. 20-35.
Barone, M.J., Miyazaki, A.D. & Taylor, K.A. (2000). “The influence of cause-related marketing on consumer choice: Does one good turn deserve another?”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 28(2), PP. 248-262.
Beile, J., Feuchte, B. & Homann, B. (2010). “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) und mitbestimmung: Fünf unternehmensbeispiele”, Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Vol. 127(248).
Beile, J., Feuchte, B. & Homann, B. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) und Mitbestimmung: Fünf Unternehmensbeispiele.
Chalmers, A.F. (2013). “What is this thing called science?”, Hackett Publishing.
Chang, C.T., Chen, P.C., Marcos Chu, X.Y., Kung, M.T. & Huang, Y.F. (2018). “Is cash always king? Bundling product–cause fit and product type in cause‐related marketing”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 35(12), PP. 990-1009.
Das, N., Guha, A., Biswas, A. & Krishnan, B. (2016). “How product–cause fit and donation quantifier interact in cause-related marketing (crm) settings: Evidence of the cue congruency effect”, Marketing Letters, Vol. 27(2), PP. 295-308.
Erdoğan, B.Z., Torun, T. & Gönüllüoğlu, S. (2014). “Effects of materialism and religious values on attitudes towards cause-related marketing”, Social Business, Vol. 4(2), PP. 153-168.
Geißel, T. (2010). “Cause related marketing-bestimmung erfolgskritischer faktoren”, diplom. de.
Hamby, A., & Brinberg, D. (2018). “Cause‐related marketing persuasion knowledge: Measuring consumers' knowledge and ability to interpret crm promotions”, Vol. 52(2), PP. 373-392.
Howie, K.M., Yang, L., Vitell, S.J., Bush, V. & Vorhies, D. (2018).” Consumer participation in cause-related marketing: An examination of effort demands and defensive denial”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 147(3), PP. 679-692.
Kotler, P. (2009). “Marketing management: A south asian perspective”, Pearson Education India.
Kotler, P. & Lee, N. (2008). “Corporate social responsibility: Doing the most good for your company and your cause”, John Wiley & Sons.
Kotler, P. & Zaltman, G. (1971). “Social marketing: An approach to planned social change”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 35(3), PP. 3-12.
Krishna, A. & Rajan, U. (2009). “Cause marketing: Spillover effects of cause-related products in a product portfolio”, Management Science, Vol.55(9), PP. 1469-1485.
Kull, A.J. & Heath, T.B. (2016). “You decide, we donate: Strengthening consumer–brand relationships through digitally co-created social responsibility”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 33(1), PP. 78-92.
Lavack, A.M. & Kropp, F. (2003). “Consumer values and attitude toward cause-related marketing: A cross-cultural comparison”, Advances in consumer research, Vol. 30(1), PP. 377-378.
Lee, J.Y. & Johnson, K.K.P. (2019). “Cause-related marketing strategy types: Assessing their relative effectiveness”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 23(2), PP. 239-256.
Lerro, M., Raimondo, M., Stanco, M., Nazzaro, C. & Marotta, G. (2019). “Cause related marketing among millennial consumers: The role of trust and loyalty in the food industry”, Sustainability, Vol. 11(2), PP. 1-16.
Meffert, H. & Holzberg, M. (2009). “Cause-related marketing: Ein scheinheiliges kooperationskonzept?”, Marketing Review St Gallen, Vol. 26(2), PP. 47-53.
Mendini, M., Peter, P.C. & Gibbert, M. (2018). “The dual-process model of similarity in cause-related marketing: How taxonomic versus thematic partnerships reduce skepticism and increase purchase willingness”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 91, PP. 195-204.
Polonsky, M.J. & Rosenberger III, P.J. (2001). “Reevaluating green marketing: A strategic approach”, Business Horizons, Vol. 44(5), PP. 21-30.
Polonsky, M.J. & Wood, G. (2001). “Can the overcommercialization of cause-related marketing harm society?”, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 21(1), PP. 8-22.
Rego, M.M. (2017). “The impact of cause-related marketing on global consumers: A meta-analysis”.
Roy, D.P. (2011). “Impact of congruence in cause marketing campaigns for professional sport organisations”, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 10(1/2), PP. 21-34.
Steckstor, D. (2012). “The effects of cause-related marketing on customers' attitudes and buying behavior”, Springer.
Sundar, K. & Srinivasan, T. (2009). “Rural industrialisation: Challenges and proposition”, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 20(1), PP. 23-29.
Valipour, A., Noraei, M. & Kavosh, K. (2018). “A meta-analysis of customer loyalty in the banking services industry”, Asean Marketing Journal, Vol. 10(2), PP. 137-155.
Valipour, A., Noraei, M. & Kavosh, K. (2019). “A process model for implementing cause-related marketing in the banking system of iran and its outcomes”, Journal of System Management, Vol. 5(2), PP. 241-260.
Varadarajan, P.R. & Menon, A. (1988). “Cause-related marketing: A coalignment of marketing strategy and corporate philanthropy”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52(3), PP. 58-74.
Vyravene, R. & Rabbanee, F.K. (2016). “Corporate negative publicity–the role of cause related marketing”, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), Vol. 24(4), PP. 322-330.
Youn, S. & Kim, H. (2018). “Temporal duration and attribution process of cause-related marketing: Moderating roles of self-construal and product involvement”, International Journal of Advertising , Vol. 37(2), PP. 217-235.
_||_بائی، س.، کردنائیج، ا. و دلخواه، ج. (1395). "چابکی استراتژیک در صنعت بانکداری ایران و تأثیر آن بر کارایی"، دو فصلنامه علی پژوهشی راهبردهای بازرگانی (دانشور رفتار)، دوره 13، شماره 8، صص. 58-43.
بیاتی صداقت، م.، سرداری، ا. و یزدانی، ن. (1396). "بررسی رابطهی بین ابعاد مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت و وفاداری مشتری (مورد مطالعه: شرکت حمل و نقل مسافری رجاء)"، دو فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشی راهبردهای بازرگانی (دانشور رفتار)، دوره 14، شماره 9 9، صص. 90-77.
علیزاده زوارم، ع.، فلاح، م.، و اسلامی، ق. (2011). "بازاریابی علّی: تزریق شهرت در برند شرکت"، مشهد، خراسان رضوی، ایران: بازیابی از https://www.researchgate.net/publication/
Aggarwal, V. & Singh, V.K. (2019). “Cause-related marketing and start-ups: Moderating role of cause involvement”, Journal of Global Responsibility, Vol. 10(1), PP. 16-30.
Alcheva, V., Yonggang, C. & Lingyan, Z. (2009). “Cause related marketing: How does a cause-related marketing shape consumer perception, attitude and behaviour?”, Master thesis Kristianstad University MBA International Marketing.
Andersen, S.E. & Johansen, T.S. (2016). “Cause-related marketing 2.0: Connection, collaboration and commitment”, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 22(5), PP. 524-543.
Auruskeviciene, V., Vianelli, D., Reardon, J. (2012). “Comparison of consumer ethnocentrism behavioural patterns in transitional economies”, Transformations in Business and Economics, Vol. 11(2), PP. 20-35.
Barone, M.J., Miyazaki, A.D. & Taylor, K.A. (2000). “The influence of cause-related marketing on consumer choice: Does one good turn deserve another?”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 28(2), PP. 248-262.
Beile, J., Feuchte, B. & Homann, B. (2010). “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) und mitbestimmung: Fünf unternehmensbeispiele”, Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Vol. 127(248).
Beile, J., Feuchte, B. & Homann, B. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) und Mitbestimmung: Fünf Unternehmensbeispiele.
Chalmers, A.F. (2013). “What is this thing called science?”, Hackett Publishing.
Chang, C.T., Chen, P.C., Marcos Chu, X.Y., Kung, M.T. & Huang, Y.F. (2018). “Is cash always king? Bundling product–cause fit and product type in cause‐related marketing”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 35(12), PP. 990-1009.
Das, N., Guha, A., Biswas, A. & Krishnan, B. (2016). “How product–cause fit and donation quantifier interact in cause-related marketing (crm) settings: Evidence of the cue congruency effect”, Marketing Letters, Vol. 27(2), PP. 295-308.
Erdoğan, B.Z., Torun, T. & Gönüllüoğlu, S. (2014). “Effects of materialism and religious values on attitudes towards cause-related marketing”, Social Business, Vol. 4(2), PP. 153-168.
Geißel, T. (2010). “Cause related marketing-bestimmung erfolgskritischer faktoren”, diplom. de.
Hamby, A., & Brinberg, D. (2018). “Cause‐related marketing persuasion knowledge: Measuring consumers' knowledge and ability to interpret crm promotions”, Vol. 52(2), PP. 373-392.
Howie, K.M., Yang, L., Vitell, S.J., Bush, V. & Vorhies, D. (2018).” Consumer participation in cause-related marketing: An examination of effort demands and defensive denial”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 147(3), PP. 679-692.
Kotler, P. (2009). “Marketing management: A south asian perspective”, Pearson Education India.
Kotler, P. & Lee, N. (2008). “Corporate social responsibility: Doing the most good for your company and your cause”, John Wiley & Sons.
Kotler, P. & Zaltman, G. (1971). “Social marketing: An approach to planned social change”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 35(3), PP. 3-12.
Krishna, A. & Rajan, U. (2009). “Cause marketing: Spillover effects of cause-related products in a product portfolio”, Management Science, Vol.55(9), PP. 1469-1485.
Kull, A.J. & Heath, T.B. (2016). “You decide, we donate: Strengthening consumer–brand relationships through digitally co-created social responsibility”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 33(1), PP. 78-92.
Lavack, A.M. & Kropp, F. (2003). “Consumer values and attitude toward cause-related marketing: A cross-cultural comparison”, Advances in consumer research, Vol. 30(1), PP. 377-378.
Lee, J.Y. & Johnson, K.K.P. (2019). “Cause-related marketing strategy types: Assessing their relative effectiveness”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 23(2), PP. 239-256.
Lerro, M., Raimondo, M., Stanco, M., Nazzaro, C. & Marotta, G. (2019). “Cause related marketing among millennial consumers: The role of trust and loyalty in the food industry”, Sustainability, Vol. 11(2), PP. 1-16.
Meffert, H. & Holzberg, M. (2009). “Cause-related marketing: Ein scheinheiliges kooperationskonzept?”, Marketing Review St Gallen, Vol. 26(2), PP. 47-53.
Mendini, M., Peter, P.C. & Gibbert, M. (2018). “The dual-process model of similarity in cause-related marketing: How taxonomic versus thematic partnerships reduce skepticism and increase purchase willingness”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 91, PP. 195-204.
Polonsky, M.J. & Rosenberger III, P.J. (2001). “Reevaluating green marketing: A strategic approach”, Business Horizons, Vol. 44(5), PP. 21-30.
Polonsky, M.J. & Wood, G. (2001). “Can the overcommercialization of cause-related marketing harm society?”, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 21(1), PP. 8-22.
Rego, M.M. (2017). “The impact of cause-related marketing on global consumers: A meta-analysis”.
Roy, D.P. (2011). “Impact of congruence in cause marketing campaigns for professional sport organisations”, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 10(1/2), PP. 21-34.
Steckstor, D. (2012). “The effects of cause-related marketing on customers' attitudes and buying behavior”, Springer.
Sundar, K. & Srinivasan, T. (2009). “Rural industrialisation: Challenges and proposition”, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 20(1), PP. 23-29.
Valipour, A., Noraei, M. & Kavosh, K. (2018). “A meta-analysis of customer loyalty in the banking services industry”, Asean Marketing Journal, Vol. 10(2), PP. 137-155.
Valipour, A., Noraei, M. & Kavosh, K. (2019). “A process model for implementing cause-related marketing in the banking system of iran and its outcomes”, Journal of System Management, Vol. 5(2), PP. 241-260.
Varadarajan, P.R. & Menon, A. (1988). “Cause-related marketing: A coalignment of marketing strategy and corporate philanthropy”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52(3), PP. 58-74.
Vyravene, R. & Rabbanee, F.K. (2016). “Corporate negative publicity–the role of cause related marketing”, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), Vol. 24(4), PP. 322-330.
Youn, S. & Kim, H. (2018). “Temporal duration and attribution process of cause-related marketing: Moderating roles of self-construal and product involvement”, International Journal of Advertising , Vol. 37(2), PP. 217-235.