Pedagogical Implementation of Stylistic Imitation in Grammar- based Writing Instruction in EFL Classes
Subject Areas : Applied Linguistics
Arash Dehghanian
Seyyed Hassan Seyyedrezaei
Omid Mazandarani
Ghasem Barani
1 - Department of English Language Teaching, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
2 - Department of English Language Teaching, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
3 - Department of English Language Teaching, Aliabad Katoul
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
4 - Department of English Language Teaching, Aliabad Katoul
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
Keywords: Modeling, Grammar- based Stylistic Imitation, social learning theory, Stylistic Imitation, Imitation,
Abstract :
Writing has a unique position in language teaching since its acquisition involves the practice and knowledge of the other three language skills. One of the best ways to attract students to writing is to let them write at the beginning of the learning process as freely as possible and evoke in them the feeling of creativity. Creative writing obviously can play a crucial role in the development of writing skills. This study is an inquiry into the role grammar-based stylistic imitation plays in learning how to write in English classes. To this end, the researcher, taking advantage of qualitative and action research to collect and analyze the data, attempted to teach paragraph writing to EFL in-service teachers using the grammar-based stylistic imitation. Fourteen non-native English teachers from the Gooyesh language institute in Shahrood were asked to do a close and free imitation. The researcher made use of semi-structured interviews to explain if and when they would use it in their own classes. The results showed grammar-based stylistic imitation could be of tremendous help to novice learners in their classes in that it can alleviate the burden they feel trying to master writing. However, a few teachers argued against it stating concerns about voices getting lost and styles getting killed. The results from the present inquiry can raise awareness of the way imitation, grammar-based stylistic imitation to be more specific, can find its way back into the classroom, which can help curriculum designers, stakeholders, policymakers, and administrators.
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