Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing (JMATPRO) is an open-access quarterly journal and published quarterly by Islamic Azad University, Najafabad branch and Iron & Steel Society of Iran. Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing (JMATPRO) publishes original research reports, review articles and express communications covering the studies of structure and properties of inorganic and organic materials, advances in synthesis, processing, characterization and testing, design of materials and engineering systems, and applications in technology. The journal is multi-disciplinary in nature, and seeks to bring together aspects of materials science, engineering, physics, and chemistry. In exploring the themes ranging from materials to design, it also pursues the elucidation of underlying connections between natural and artificial, and experiment and modelling. Manuscripts submitted to Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing are sought to contain elements of discovery and surprise that often accompany the attention of new insights into the architecture and function of matter.
Authors who publish in Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing will be able make their work immediately, permanently, and freely accessible. Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing authors will pay an article publishing charge (APC), have a choice of license options, and retain copyright to their published work. The APC will be requested after peer review and acceptance and will be required for all accepted articles.
First Published Year: Spring 2013