English Language Teachers’ Reflections on Online Language Practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Subject Areas :
Mehdi Shaahdadi Goughari
Mehry Haddad Narafshan
1 - Department of Foreign Languages, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of Foreign Languages, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: English language teaching, Covid-19 pandemic, Online Teaching, teachers’ reflections,
Abstract :
During the Covid-19 pandemic, universities around the world faced closure because of social distancing and lockdown, therefore, unprecedently, education had to move online and universities in Iran were not exceptional. This sudden and abrupt shift required teachers to rethink their attitudes and beliefs. This study has been conducted to explore English Language Teachers’ attitudes toward their practices concerning the effects of social distancing and the maximized use of technology in the teaching profession. Having adopted a qualitative method to investigate teachers’ experiences, the data of this study were collected through interviews with nine English language university teachers, and their reflective journals. Generally, the results communicate considerable appreciation for integrating technology in English language courses. To be more detailed, this study revealed three main categories for positive attitudes (pedagogical innovation, instructional support, and professional identity formation) each with some subcategories. Also, the analysis highlights three concerns (technology-related challenges, classroom management, and inflexibility in behavior) for online teaching. The implications of the study mainly provide a welcoming environment for utilizing technology in teaching, especially in English language teaching.
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