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  • Evaluation Process

    After the Editorial Board approves that a submitted paper meets the aims and scope of the journal, it will be sent to three experts, advised by the Editorial Board or by a member of the Honorary Associate Editors, to review it. The refereeing should be completed in two months, unless the paper is longer than 15 pages. 
    Based on the referee's report, the Editorial Board decides on the paper as:

     (1) The paper is accepted without changes, (2) The paper is accepted subject to minor changes, in which case the revised version should be sent back to the journal in at most one month, (3) The paper will be accepted subject to more substantial changes being made, in which case the revised version should be sent back to the journal in at most two months, (4) The paper might be acceptable but requires major revisions, in which case the paper will be regarded as withdrawn and any new version will be regarded as a new submission,  (5) The paper is rejected.

    Accepted articles: If a paper is accepted, the corresponding author will be required to provide the LaTeX file of it that has been  prepared using, without changes, the style of the journal. Please ensure the  Bibliography is produced  in the same  style as the sample article.