Open Access Article
1 - Unveiling Vocabulary Learning Strategies: A Mixed Methods Study among EAP Students
فرزانه اکبری فرحناز ریمنی نیکو شیما احمدی آزاد -
Open Access Article
2 - Effective Language Classroom: A Qualitative Study Using a Critical Incident Technique
پویا درود مسعود ذوقی هانیه دواتگری اصل -
Open Access Article
3 - Designing an Intercultural Development Inventory to Assess EFL Learners’ Intercultural Competence: A Mokken Scale Analysis
Mahboubeh Akbari Mona Tabatabae Yazdi -
Open Access Article
4 - Construction of Intercultural Savoirs Through Interculturally-laden Tasks: An Iranian Experience
داود کوهی سیده زهرا اسماعیلی ثریا بهروزی زاد -
Open Access Article
5 - The Effect of BBC News Lessons on High School EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning
حسن علیزاده محمود علیلو توران آهور -
Open Access Article
6 - How Has Political and Socio-economic Status affected Iranian EFL Learners’ Motivation to learn English
Naser Salehi -
Open Access Article
7 - The Effect of Graphic Organizer Strategy on Improving Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Complexity of Written Performance
مریم حسن پور فاطمه میرزاپور -
Open Access Article
8 - Iranian EFL Learners’ Attitudes towards Target and Source Cultures
غلامرضا عباسیان مژگان کوه پایه زاده غلامرضا اصغرپور -
Open Access Article
9 - The Interplay between Language Anxiety, Locus of Control and Language Proficiency in Online Classes: The Case of EFL Learners
حسین میرزایی رحمان صحراگرد -
Open Access Article
10 - The Effect of One Teach-One Assist Model of Co-teaching on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
فاطمه محمدحسنی سودمند توران آهور -
Open Access Article
11 - A Corpus-based Analysis of Epistemic Stance Adverbs in Essays Written by Native English Speakers and Iranian EFL Learners
امیر سبزوار حمیدرضا حق وردی رضا بی ریا -
Open Access Article
12 - The Comparative Effect of Antonym in-Text Glosses and Description in-Text Glosses on EFL Learners' Reading Comprehensio
هانیه قاسمی مونا خبیری -
Open Access Article
13 - The Impact of Playing Word Games on Young Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning and Retention
رحیله کبیری ناصر غفوری -
Open Access Article
14 - Cross-cultural Study of Iranian and English Students’ Impoliteness and Threat Responses
مریم فرنیا زهرا شیبانی -
Open Access Article
15 - The effect of Virtual and Real Classroom Instruction on Inter-language Pragmatic Development: Microblogging versus Traditional Instruction of Speech Acts to Iranian EFL Learners
فاطمه داورزنی حسین طالب زاده -
Open Access Article
16 - The Impact of Task-based Activities on the Reading Skill of Iranian EFL Young Learners at the Beginner Level
ارشیا کیوانفر مونا مدرسی -
Open Access Article
17 - University Students’ Perception of Demotivating Factors in Learning English as a Foreign Language
نفیسه حسین پور حسین حیدری تبریزی -
Open Access Article
18 - The Impact of Vocabulary Enrichment through the Integration of Reading and Writing Tasks on Advanced EFL Learners’ Motivation in ESP Courses
زهرا چراغی علیرضا آل بند -
Open Access Article
19 - Effect of Précis Writing Instruction on the Creation of Cohesive Text by Iranian High School EFL Learners
لطف الله کریمی معصومه طورجی راغب -
Open Access Article
20 - The Effect of Visual Advance Organizer and Types of Passages on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension
غلامرضا کیانی سارا جلالی -
Open Access Article
21 - Learning and Teaching Styles in the Focus: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers
زهره سیفوری زهرا حسن زاده -
Open Access Article
22 - The Relationship between L2 Listening Comprehension and Listening Fatigue among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
سعید نجفی صارم حمید مرعشی مسعود سیری -
Open Access Article
23 - The Relationship between Iranian Male and Female EFL Learners’ Critical Thinking Ability and Autonomy
Nasser Ghafoori ناصر غفوری -
Open Access Article
24 - EFL Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions about Communication Strategies Teachability
راضیه بهروزیان ناصر غفوری سعیده آهنگری -
Open Access Article
25 - On the Differential Effects of Computer-Mediated and Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Accuracy
میر ایوب طباطبایی کامه خاصه خان نگین قویدل نیا صمد رمزی -
Open Access Article
26 - The Efficacy of an SFL-Oriented Register Instruction in Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance and Perception: Language Proficiency in Focus
محمد یوسفی اسگویی نادر اسدی آیدینلو مسعود ذوقی -
Open Access Article
27 - Promoting Dialogic Talk in a Speaking Classroom: Rethinking Bakhtinian Pedagogy
فاطمه نیک نژاد ناییج آباد محمدرضا خدارضا داوود مشهدی حیدر -
Open Access Article
28 - The Impact of Observer Ring Technique on the Writing Achievement: A case of Iranian EFL Learners
جهانبخش نیکوپور محمد امینی فارسانی فهیمه محمودی -
Open Access Article
29 - The Role of Games in Teaching English Numbers to Iranian EFL Learners at the Elementary Level
Farzaneh Zardoshti فاطمه بهجت محمد رستم پور -
Open Access Article
30 - The Impact of Code-Switching on Bilingual EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
پریسا یگانه پور Zohreh Seifoori -
Open Access Article
31 - The Power of Aural and Picture Vocabulary Size Test in Predicting Iranian EFL Learners’ Viewing Comprehension
سید محمدرضا امیریان سعید غنی آبادی مهلا قلیچی -
Open Access Article
32 - Impact of Process and Genre-Based Approaches to Writing on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Performance across Creativity Levels
سولماز ایران نژاد ناصر غفوری اصغر محمودی -
Open Access Article
33 - The Impact of Morphological Awareness on Iranian Pre-University Students’ Listening Transcription
محمد نبی کریمی عامر قیطوری -
Open Access Article
34 - The Effect of Semantic Mapping on Reading Comprehension
المیرا تقوی کریم صادقی -
Open Access Article
35 - More Proficient vs. Less Proficient EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Teachers ‘Motivation Raising Strategies
نسرین یوسفی مرجان وثوقی مینو عالمی -
Open Access Article
36 - Revisiting Mental Translation: A Potential to Promote Reading Comprehension in English for Specific and Academic Purposes Contexts
Zahra Akbari -
Open Access Article
37 - Dynamic Assessment and Iranian EFL Learners’ Knowledge of Passive Voice in Speaking Tasks
Bahar Babaei Iraj Montashery -
Open Access Article
38 - EFL Learners’ and Teachers’ Perceptions toward Corrective Feedback and Collaborative Writing: A Mixed-Methods Study
Maryam Soleimani Zahra Aghazadeh -
Open Access Article
39 - EFL Student Teachers’ Beliefs and Practice of Online Classroom Management
Mahboubeh Taghizadeh Fariba Khodabakhshi -
Open Access Article
40 - The Effect of Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning (CAALL) on Iranian EFL Learners’ Self-Efficacy and Reading Skill Development
Mohammad Taghi Farvardin Mohammad Javad Tandiseh Seyed Foad Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
41 - Investigating The Effect of Linguistic Knowledge Versus Cultural Knowledge in The Formation of Intercultural Competence Among Iranian EFL Learners
Vahid Ghorbani sara kianifard