The Attitudes of Iranian EFL Learners toward Cross-Cultural Factors in Language Learning
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسی
فرناز جاودانی
حمیدرضا مهبودی
ناصر غفوری
1 - Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch
2 - Rab-e Rashidi Higher Education College, Tabriz
3 - Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch
Keywords: Attitude, Cross-Cultural Factors, Culture as Content, Cultural Background, Cultural Distance,
Abstract :
The cultural background in language teaching has, for a number of reasons, recently moved to the foreground. Broadly speaking, there has been a shift in emphasis in course design from a pre-occupation with form to an interest in content. This article describes the results of a survey designed to elicit the views of students on what language teaching should be about. 400 students learning English in Kish-Language Institute, Kashan branch were chosen as participants of the study based on their proficiency level (Starter, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced) in order to answer the questionnaire. Each question was designed in the form of a five point Likert Scale. The results were analysed using Binomial and MANOVA Tests. The obtained Results in this study indicate that except for Elementary level, other levels favoured bilingual/bicultural teacher. In relation to varieties of English, American English was liked most by Intermediate and Advanced students. All students had an overall positive attitude towards the native speaker pronunciation and finally the most favoured course contents were revealed to be science and social facts, students’ past experiences, English/American Literature along with culture of other countries.
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