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    comments for Publication Ethics


    The ethical policy of the JAA is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and complies with this legislation.

    • Papers submitted for publication should describe high-quality original work, not previously partially or fully published elsewhere neither in Farsi nor in any other languages. Furthermore, they must not be published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    • The authors should prepare the articles coherently and scientifically, by the journal standard. In addition, mention explicitly their method, approach, and report the data.
    • Authors should respect the rights of others in their articles; by specifying the corresponding author and mentioning the names of all colleagues. In addition, the citation to all sources used in the manuscript must be evinced completely (Direct citation must be put in “-"and indirect citation or data retrieved from others’ research must be cited.)
    • The authors must avoid expressing sensitive, immoral, personal, racial, or religious themes. In addition, they are not allowed to submit papers that are incorrect information and translations of the other article without referring to the article.
    • Plagiarism Policy
    • The author might be asked to evince and demonstrate raw data, interviews or questionnaires, and other research tools.
    • According to COPE; simultaneously, submitting one paper to several journals or confirming published articles are not accepted. This would be plagiarism which will be reported to the Ministry of Science.
    • JAA journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines presented in the following flowchart: Plagiarism Policy
    • All rights are reserved for articles of the JAA. It is advised to mention the exact citation.JAA’s authors are not allowed to submit their paper that has been published in this journal in another journal and the right to prosecution for JAA is reserved. If one of the JAA’s papers has been published in the collection book of articles, it needs to be cited by JAA. Otherwise, the JAA would prosecute this criminal action.
    • If an author discovers a serious mistake or inaccuracy in his / her work, he/she is obliged to promptly notify the editor of the journal and cooperate in reviewing or correcting the article. If the author or publisher finds that the published work has a significant material error, the author is obliged to promptly review or correct the article or provide evidence to the editor, verifying the accuracy of the original or original article.
    • The author, who submits the article to the journal, should send a copy of the document to his colleagues and make them agree to submit the article to the journal and publish it.
    • Authors need to be quick and appropriate in revising the article.
    • All authors are ultimately responsible for the content of the article submitted to the journal.


    All of the authors will be notified about their manuscript submission to the JAA through a confirmation e-mail. The inclusion of the name and affiliation of authors in a paper denotes their crucial role in the preparation of the submitted manuscript. If the mentioned authors have not been involved in the preparation of the paper and their name is abused, they should immediately inform the journal office about the raised issue through e-mail. All the authors shall be responsible for the originality of their work, and the journal shall have the inclusive right of plagiarism checking.

    Plagiarism may occur in the forms of:

    1. Submitting others’ papers under your name;
    2. Copying or repeating some parts of other papers (including the newly published one of the authors);
    3. Presenting the results of other research under your name;
    4. Repetitive submission of the same paper with the same author(s) in several journals;
    5. Presenting faulty results contradicting the scientific findings or distorting the results of research;
    6. Application of invalid data or manipulation of the research data.
    7. The Corresponding author of the article must send the conflict of interest form to the journal along with the article (The form is placed at the top of the page).