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    Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology

    Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology is a quarterly journal published by Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch in English. Tables of contents and other useful information, including these instructions for contributors, are available at the website of the Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch and the Editorial Office (Department of Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Saveh , Ira.


    Aims and Scope

    This journal publishes the new results of completed, original studies on any aspect of plant physiology based also on approaches and methods of, applied plant physiology, plant biochemistry, plant hormones, biophysics, genetics, molecular biology, genetic engineering, and other related fields. We also accept descriptions of original methods and instruments opening novel possibilities for obtaining and analyzing experimental results. Papers outlining trends and hypotheses are accepted as well. Brief communications are not accepted. However, in some cases, the editors may suggest that authors shorten a manuscript to the size of a brief communication (no more than 5 pages of text and 4 figures and / or tables in all). Manuscript submission implies that the material has not been published before, and is not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

    Manuscript requirements

    Manuscript length should not exceed 10 printed pages (reviews not more than 20 pages), including references, tables, and figure captions; it should contain no more than 7 figures. The manuscript must be typed (calibri, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing throughout) in a single column on one side of white paper (A4, 210 × 297 mm) with left and top margins of 2.5 cm and a right margin of 1.5 cm. All pages, including references, tables, and figure captions, should be numbered consecutively in the top right- hand corner. All lines should be enumerated throughout the entire text.

    Please arrange your manuscript as follows: Title, author(s), affiliation(s), highlights, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviation (optional), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (optional), References, tables, and figures.

    Title must be concise (no more than 10 words) but informative. Capitalize the first letters in all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions. Avoid nonstandard abbreviations.

    Authors’ initials and surnames should be written with one space between the initials and between the initials and an author’s surname. Author affiliations should be marked by numbers as 1, 2, etc. On a separate page, provide the full names of all authors, their postal addresses and telephone and fax numbers, as well as e-mail addresses, and indicate the corresponding author.

    Author affiliations include the department, institution, and complete address of each author. The fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be indicated after his or her postal address.

    Abstract All papers, including brief communications, should be preceded by a concise (of no more than 250 words) but informative abstract, in which the plant material (binomial, including authority) is given. The abstract should explain to the general reader the major contributions of the article. The abstract is typed as a single paragraph. Citing and discussing literature are not recommended.

    Highlights Add highlights to your manuscript. Highlights are three to five bullet points that help increase the discoverability of your article via search engines. Don not try to capture all ideas, concepts, or conclusions as highlights are meant to be short: 85 characters or fewer, including spaces.

    Keywords No more than seven items are listed beginning with the Latin name(s) of the organism(s) studied without author’s name and arranged as follows:

    Keywords: Lycopersicon esculentum, transgenic tomato plant, ethylene

    Abbreviations The abbreviation of the expressions used in the manuscript may be listed in alphabetical order and arranged as follows

    BA: benzyladenine; PSI: photosystem I; WT: wild type

    Define nonstandard abbreviations when they are first mentioned in the text and abstract.

    Main headings

    The main headings within the text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, etc.) should be placed on separate lines with the first letters capitalized. First- and second-level subheadings should follow sentence capitalization (example: Cytokinin, Dependent signal transduction) and be placed on separate lines.


    The introductory part of the article should explain its objective and cite relevant articles published previously.

    Materials and Methods

    This section should include complete botanical names (genus, species, authority for the binomial, and, when appropriate, cultivar) for all plants studied. Following first mentions, generic names should be abbreviated to the initial except when confusion could arise by reference to genera with the same initial. Growth conditions must be described. Also new procedures should be described in sufficient detail to be repeated. A short description of other procedures should also be given. This section should also contain the names of the manufacturers (including country name) of materials and reagents. Statistical analysis of the results should be described. Identify the number of replications and the number of times individual experiments were duplicated. It should be clearly stated whether the standard deviation or the standard error is used.


    The Results section should be presented mainly in figures and tables without their detailed discussion. Double documentation of the same points in figures and tables is not acceptable.


    This section should contain an interpretation but not a recapitulation of the results. Each paragraph in the Discussion section naturally starts with a main result of the study followed by an account of the similarities or differences with the previous findings and the possible interpretations.


    List dedications, acknowledgments, and funding sources if any, under the heading 'Acknowledgements'.



    Generally, include the most up-to-date and latest references and from creditable high ranking international resources in the manuscript. Cite published papers and books; citing the abstracts of meetings is not recommended. References at the end of the paper should be arranged alphabetically (by authors' names) in the reference list, all authors should be named unless there are 10 or more. For titles in English, including titles of books, journals, articles, chapters, and dissertations and names of conferences, use title capitalization. For titles given in a foreign language, follow the rules of capitalization for that language.

    Journal articles:

    Ouyang, D., J. Bartholic and J. Selegean, 2005. 'Assessing sediment loading from agricultural croplands in the great lakes basin'. Journal of American Science, 1 (2): 14-21.


    Durbin, R., S. R. Eddy, A. Krogh and G. Mitchison. 1999. Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. Cambridge: University Press.

    A chapter in a book:

    Leach, J. 1993. 'Impacts of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on water quality and fish spawning reefs of Western Lake Erie'. In Zebra Mussels: biology, impacts and control. Nalepa, T. and D. Schloesser (Eds.). Ann Arbor, MI: Lewis Publishers, pp: 381-397.

    A Report:

    Makarewicz, J. C., T. Lewis and P. Bertram. 1995. Epilimnetic phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and species composition in Lake Michigan 1983-1992. U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program, Chicago, IL. EPA 905-R-95-009.

    Conference proceedings

    Stock, A. 2004. 'Signal transduction in bacteria'. Proceedings of the 2004 Markey Scholars Conference, pp: 80-89.

    A thesis

    Strunk, J. L. 1991. The extraction of mercury from sediment and the geochemical partitioning of mercury in sediments from Lake Superior. M. Sc. thesis, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.

    For correct abbreviations of journal titles, refer to IJPP End note format.


    Each table should have a brief title, appear on a separate page, and 1.5-spaced. Each column should have a heading; units should appear under the column heading(s). Some remarks may be written below the table, but they should not repeat details given in the Materials and Methods section. Avoid using landscape paper orientation to fit large tables. Instead, break the large tables to fit regular portrait paper orientation.



    Figure Captions

     These must be a brief self-sufficient explanation of the illustrations. Provide them separately from figures.


    All figures (photographs, graphs, and diagrams) should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively throughout. Figures should provide enough information to easily understand them. Figure parts should be identified by lowercase roman letters (I, II, etc.) in parentheses. High-resolution images are not required at initial submission. When a paper is accepted, the publishing team will request high-resolution files suitable for publication. Graphs drawn in Excel must be subtracted from the original Excel file. The words within the figures are recommended to be editable and not pictured.

    Copyright transfer agreement

    All authors are required to sign the form below and submit it along with the article.

    Copyright Transfer Agreement and Ethical Requirements for the Submitted Paper

    The copyright of this article is transferred to the Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch Publisher effective if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form or any other reproductions of similar nature. The author warrants that this contribution is original and that he/she has full power to make this grant. The corresponding author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors. The authors and their employers retain full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes, with acknowledgement of its original publication in the journal.

    Ethical Requirements for the Submitted Paper

    • All research or methodologies identified as being conducted or developed by the authors or institutions will in fact have been so conducted or developed.
    • Relevant prior and existing research and methodologies will be properly identified and referenced using the standard bibliographic and scientific conventions.
    • All the content of the submitted paper shall be the original work of the authors and shall not plagiarize the work of others. Short quotes from the work of others should be properly referenced with full bibliographic details of the quoted work. To quote or copy text or illustrations beyond a “short quote” will require the author to obtain permission from the rights holder.
    • Duplicate submission of the same paper to more than one scholarly journal while the decision from another journal on that same paper is still pending, as well as reporting the same results in somewhat different form, is prohibited.
    • Authors should take care not to defame other researchers in a personal sense.
    • Co-authors should be properly and appropriately identified. To be identified as a co-author, the participant in the research project should have contributed to the conception and design of the project, drafted substantive portions of the paper and taken responsibility for the analysis and conclusions of the paper. Other participants with less responsibility should be identified and acknowledged for their contributions.


    Title of article:

    Author (1):

    Author’s signature:

    Author’s email:


    Author (2):

    Author’s signature:

    Author’s email:


    Author (3):

    Author’s signature:

    Author’s email:


    Add if you need.


    English editing services

    Make sure to have the article edited by a native speaking or nativelike English language expert specially if English is not your native language.  In this case, you are highly recommended to use a professional language editing service, where editors will improve the English to ensure that your meaning is clear and identify problems that require your review. Such services are also provided by our Editing Service. Please contact IJPP language editor (nativelikeenglisheditors@gmail.com ) if you seek professional editing service before submitting your manuscript.

    Editorial Processing (Reviewing, Editing, and Proofs)

    The Editorial Office informs authors by e-mail that a manuscript is received. All manuscripts submitted will be reviewed. The reviewers evaluate the manuscript, suggest improvements, and recommend accepting or rejecting the paper. Manuscripts and reviewers’ comments are e-mailed to the authors.

    The manuscript is then subjected to scientific editing. Accepted manuscripts are published in correspondence with the date of their receiving. Papers containing new information of exceptional significance may be, on the proposal of the Editor in Chief, published first in the shortest possible time. Manuscripts sent to the Editorial Office are not returned to the authors. The Publishing House will deliver the page proofs to authors electronically only to a single address indicated in the affiliation section.

    Manuscript Submission

    Submit your article at: https://ijpp.iau-saveh.ac.ir/contacts