Effect of Potassium Silicate on Growth and Biochemical Attributes of Tomato under Salt Stress
Subject Areas : Plant Physiology
Riti Kapoor
Pooja Yadav
1 - Plant Physiology Laboratory, Amity Institute of Biotechnology,
Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida - 201 313, India
2 - Plant Physiology Laboratory, Amity Institute of Biotechnology,
Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida - 201 313, India
Keywords: growth, Salt stress, potassium silicate, Biochemical attributes, Solanum lycopersicum,
Abstract :
Salinity is one of the rising problems causing tremendous crop productivity losses in different parts of the globe. Silicon can be regarded as multi-talented quasi-essential element due to its versatile role in providing several benefits for plant growth particularly under stress conditions. The present investigation deals with the impact of potassium silicate on the germination and biochemical parameters of tomato under salt stress. Maximum seed germination of tomato seeds 98% was observed with potassium silicate. The seed germination and other growth characteristics followed the order: PS > C > NaCl (1mM)+PS > NaCl (1.5 mM)+PS > NaCl (2mM)+PS > NaCl. Application of potassium silicate significantly increased biochemical components such as pigment content, sugar, proline, protein and total antioxidant contents in tomato seedlings. Maximum total antioxidant content 55% was observed in NaCl (2mM)+PS treatment. The results revealed that potassium silicate acts as a plant growth promoter and it can be used as fertilizer for tomato under salt stress.
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