A fuzzy multi-objective model for a project management problem
Subject Areas : linear ProgrammingSeyedeh Maedeh Mirmohseni Amiri 1 * , Seyed Hadi Nasseri 2
1 - Mathematics and Information Science, Key Laboratory of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Guangzhou University, China
2 - Department of Mathematical Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran
Keywords: Fuzzy AHP, multi-objective Project management decision problem, Interactive fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (i-FMOLP), Weighted Additive, linear membership functions, &alpha, -cut approach,
Abstract :
In this research, the multi-objective project management decision problem with fuzzy goals and fuzzy constraints are considered. We constitute α-cut approach and two various fuzzy goal programming solution methods for solving the Multi-Objective Project Management (MOPM) decision problem under fuzzy environments. The Interactive fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (i-FMOLP) and Weighted Additive approaches are proposed for solving multi-objective PM decision problem where fuzzy information are demonstrated by using linear membership functions (LMF). The proposed approaches effort contemporarily to minimize the total project costs, total completion time and total crashing costs and the several constraints such as the time between events i and j, the crashing time for activity (i,j) and the total budget capital. The weight of criteria for each objective function base on project DM preference degree computed with Fuzzy AHP technique. The performance analysis calculated with a set of distance metric for i-FMOLP and Weighted Additive solution methods that represent uncertainty goals and constraints in PM decision problem with ideal solution in an industrial case study is compared.
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