Diversity of Nut and Kernel Weight, Oil Content, and the Main Fatty Acids of some Almond Cultivars and Genotypes
Subject Areas : Almond
Sohila Khojand
Mehrshad Zeinalabedini
Reza Azizinezhad
Ali Imani
Mohammad Reza Ghaffari
1 - Department of Biotechnology and Plant Breeding, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Systems Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran (ABRII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran
3 - Department of the Biotechnology and Plant Breeding, College of Agicultural Sciences and Food Industries, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Temperate Fruit Research Center, Horticultural Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran
5 - Department of Systems Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran (ABRII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran
Keywords: production, fruit, Prunus dulcis, Pomology,
Abstract :
To investigate the effects of cultivars on dry nut weight, kernel weight, oil content, and the main fatty acids of some cultivars and genotypes of almond, this study was conducted in 2019 in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The findings revealed that the influence of genotype on all measured traits is significant. The results of oil content showed that D124 had the highest values in terms of oil content. Also, examination of kernel weight shows that there are significant differences between cultivars. So that the highest amount of kernel weight is related to genotype D at 2.19 grams, while the lowest amount of kernel weight is related to A5-17genotype at 0.52 grams. The investigation of nut weight analysis showed that genotype D had the highest value (6.40grams). All the traits considered in this research can be said that the D124 genotype and cultivars of Sahand, Shahroud 6, Saba, and Ruby respectively had oil content of 62.24, 62.12, 61.62, 60.41 and. 60.29 percent. In total, regarding to the all traits considered in this study, genotype D124 in the amount of 62.24% and then cultivars, Sahand, Shahroud 6, Saba, Ruby with oil values of 62.12%, 61.62%, 60.41% and 60.29, respectively. Also, palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid in D124, Sahand, Shahroud 6, Saba, and Ruby were (5.44, 73.30 and 21.14%), (4.85, 76.33, and 18.48%), (5.64, 80.11 and 14.31%), (5.30, 73.89 and 20.80%) and (5.21, 77.44, and 16.32%) respectively. These are identified as the best cultivars and genotypes in terms of food quality in the climatic conditions of Karaj, which can be used for nutritional or technical applications to provide conditions for almond production and cultivation development.
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