Explaining the Pattern of Livability with Emphasis on Raise of Physical-Spatial Structure (Case Study: Rasht City’s Central District)
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
Mirnavid Mirhaghjou komele
Shadi Pakzad
Vahid Bigdeli Rad
1 - Department of Urban planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran .
2 - Department of Urban planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran .
3 - Department of Urban planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran .
Keywords: Rasht City, neighborhood, urban livability, physical-spatial structure, Central district of city,
Abstract :
This research examines the livability of the existing neighborhoods of the central district of Rasht city and studies its features and characteristics and deals with the regular and systematic description of its current situation and explains the reasons for how and why the problem situation and its dimensions. the research method is based on the purpose of the practical and on the causal nature. Using extensive library and field studies,the general aim of the research is to identify and analyze the existing livability of the neighborhoods in the central part of Rasht city and to understand the causes, processes and areas affecting the livability and the improvement of spatial and physical structure.Based on the inhabitants questionnaire with analyzing by one-sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey's post hoc test, and Friedman's test by SPSS software, the mean value of the four dimensions, the livability of the neighborhoods in the central district of Rasht city is lower than the assumed mean. The social dimension with an mean of 2.46 has a more favorable state of livability and the environmental dimension with an mean of 2.08 has a more critical situation than other dimensions. Therefore, the livability of the neighborhoods in the central district of Rasht are considered unfavorable. In terms of overall livability, Rodbartan neighborhood is the most unfavorable with an mean of 2.07 and Chelekhane neighborhood is the most desirable with an mean of 2.78. The Friedman test comparing the average ratings of livability dimensions shows that the highest mean rating (3.90) is assigned to the physical spatial dimension and the lowest mean rating (1.30) is assigned to the environmental dimension affecting livability.
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