Functional Food Safety and Product Liability in Iranian Legal System
Subject Areas : Nutraceutical Foods and Bioactive Extracts (Nutraceutic Foods Bioact. Ext.)
1 - گروه حقوق، واحد صفادشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
Keywords: Civil Liability, Functional Foods, Consumer Law, Fault, Strict Liability,
Abstract :
The approach of the legal system is very important in the field of Product Liability especially in relation to "Functional Food" Safety. Regulations originate from legal approaches. So, it is important how the legal system thinks? In this regard, two theories of "Fault" and "Strict Liability" have emerged among jurists. The study of civil liability of Iranian legal system has shown the lack of a specific and comprehensive system of civil liability governing on food industry. What stands out is that this legal system in the field of food production is mainly focused on the traditional theory of fault, which needs to be reformed to ensure food safety, foster innovation in the food industry, and emphasize consumer protection.
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