Analyzing Iranian EFL Teachers’ Barriers for Professional Development
Subject Areas :
Fateme Jamalizade
Neda Fatehi Rad
1 - Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of English Language
Islamic Azad University
Kerman branch
Keywords: Professional Development, EFL Context, Teacher' s Barrier,
Abstract :
The present study tried to analyze Iranian EFL teachers’ barriers for Professional Development (PD). More specifically, the study analyzed the EFL teachers’ constraints and barriers in PD as well as the relationship between EFL teachers’ gender, level of education and teaching experience and their barriers in continuous professional development. In doing so, a total number of 41 EFL teachers of different language institute of Kerman were selected. The data were gathered through a related questionnaire which focused on EFL teachers' barriers. The data were inserted into SPSS software and both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Based on the results, teachers' barriers referred to system and schools than personal matters. It might mean that the educational system does not support and encourage PD activities or the teachers believe that PD programs should be organized and take place in schools. Moreover, the findings indicated that there is no significant difference between male and female EFL teachers’ barriers, restrictions or constraints in their PD. The results also showed no significant difference between teachers' level of education and teaching experience and their barriers and constraints for professional development. The findings might prove fruitful and innovative for the managers of foreign language education centers, teachers, and policy makers.
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