فهرست مقالات signature of selection دسترسی آزاد مقاله صفحه چکیده متن کامل 1 - Genomic Selection Signatures in Two French and Swedish Holstein Cattle Breeds Provide Evidence for Several Potential Candidate Genes Linked to Economic Traits R. Salehi A. Javanmard M. Mokhber S. Alijani دسترسی آزاد مقاله صفحه چکیده متن کامل 2 - Genome-Wide Scanning for Signatures of Selection Revealed Karakul Sheep Breed in Compared to other Iranian Breeds A. Mirzapour-Abibagloo N. Hedayat R. Khalkhali-Evrigh R. Seyedsharifi H. Abdi-Benemar R. Hassanzadeh A. Tanveer Hussain