• فهرست مقالات Written Script

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - معرّفی و بررسی نسخۀ خطّی«صحیفۀ شاهی(تقویم المکاتیب)»
        جلال دهقانی احمد ذاکری
        نسخه های خطّی، گنجینه های گران بهای هر ملّتی است.کشور ما به دلیل داشتن پشتوانۀ فرهنگی قوی ، در این زمینه بسیار غنی است.نسخ خطّی بسیاری به زبان فارسی کتابخانه های ایران و جهان نگهداری می شود.این نسخه ها در زمینۀ علوم گوناگونی نگاشته شده است. منشآت و ترسّل یکی از گونه های چکیده کامل
        نسخه های خطّی، گنجینه های گران بهای هر ملّتی است.کشور ما به دلیل داشتن پشتوانۀ فرهنگی قوی ، در این زمینه بسیار غنی است.نسخ خطّی بسیاری به زبان فارسی کتابخانه های ایران و جهان نگهداری می شود.این نسخه ها در زمینۀ علوم گوناگونی نگاشته شده است. منشآت و ترسّل یکی از گونه های رایج در تاریخ ادب فارسی و عنوان عمومی آثار و کتاب هایی است که در برگیرندۀ منشور یا فرمان، اخوانیات، جوابیات، سلطانیات، سوگندنامه ها و عهدنامه ها، فتح نامه ها یا شکست نامه ها است. عصر تیموری یکی از درخشان ترین و پُررونق ترین دوران منشآت نویسی است. در این دوره، انشاءِ منشآت و ترسّلات گوناگون، مقیاس و معیاری برای سنجش مایه های سخن شناسی و ذوق به شمار می رود. منشآت صحیفۀ شاهی یا تقویم المکاتیب عنوان یکی از منشآت عصر تیموری است که به همّت ملّا حسین واعظ کاشفی سبزواری دبیر و منشی دربار سلطان حسین بایقرا و مؤلّف کتب بی شماری از قبیل جواهرالتّفسیر، انوار سهیلی، روضه الشّهدا و ... تدوین شده است. نسخه های خطّی این کتاب در کتابخانۀ مجلس شورای اسلامی، کتابخانۀ مرکزی دانشگاه تهران و کتابخانۀ مَلِک و چندین کتابخانۀ دیگر نگه داری می شود. با توجّه به اهمیّت ادبی و تاریخی کتاب صحیفۀ شاهی در این مقاله که به روش توصیفی و تحلیلی انجام پذیرفته، ضمن نگارش مقدّمه ای در تاریخ مراسلات و معرّفی نسخه های خطّی این اثر، بر احیای یکی از مواریث تاریخی و ادبی کشور تأکید شده است. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - The Effectiveness of Shadow-Reading With and Without Written Script on Listening Comprehension of Iranian Intermediate EFL Students.
        Meisam Shafiei Ramin Rahmany Ataollah Maleki
        Listening comprehension is at the heart of language learning (Kurita, 2012). It is an importantlanguage skill to develop in terms of second language acquisition (SLA) (Dunkel, 1991; Rost,2001; Vandergrift, 2007).In spite of its importance, L2 learners often regard liste چکیده کامل
        Listening comprehension is at the heart of language learning (Kurita, 2012). It is an importantlanguage skill to develop in terms of second language acquisition (SLA) (Dunkel, 1991; Rost,2001; Vandergrift, 2007).In spite of its importance, L2 learners often regard listening as themost difficult language skill to learn. In this study, shadowing as an act or task in listening, inwhich the learner tracks the target speech and repeats it immediately as exactly as possible, isrecommended to enhance the students’ listening comprehension skills. More specifically, thisstudy aimed at investigating the effect of shadowing with and without written script on theIranian EFL students’ listening comprehension. Seventy seven participants out of apopulation of ninety nine students were randomly picked through the administration ofPreliminary English Test (PET). The participants were three groups of intermediate level.The First group, did shadow-reading as the first experimental group with written script (groupA); the second group, who did shadow-reading as the second experimental group withoutwritten script (group B); and the third, who acted as the control group (group C or nonshadowing).The data were collected through the administration of a pre- test and a post-test.The analysis of the test scores, using a one-way ANOVA, revealed that the experimentalgroups (A & B) performed statistically better in the test. It also revealed that the shadowingwith written script group performed statistically better than the without written script group. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        3 - The Effectiveness of Shadow-Reading With and Without Written Script on Pronunciation of Iranian Intermediate EFL Students
        Meisam Shafiei Ramin Rahmany
        Pronunciation is essential to appropriate communication because the incorrect use ofpronunciation inevitably leads to the message being misunderstood by the receptor. In spite of itsimportance, L2 learners often regard pronunciation as the most difficult language skill چکیده کامل
        Pronunciation is essential to appropriate communication because the incorrect use ofpronunciation inevitably leads to the message being misunderstood by the receptor. In spite of itsimportance, L2 learners often regard pronunciation as the most difficult language skill to learn.In this study, shadowing as an act or task in pronunciation, in which the learner tracks the targetspeech and repeats it immediately as exactly as possible, is recommended to enhance thestudents’ pronunciation. More specifically, this study aimed at investigating the effect ofshadowing with and without written script on the Iranian EFL students’ pronunciation. 77participants out of a population of 99 students were randomly picked through the administrationof Preliminary English Test (PET). The participants were three groups of intermediate level. TheFirst group, containing 27 students, did shadow-reading with written script (group A); the secondgroup comprising 25 students, who did shadow-reading without written script (group B); and thethird, consisting of 25 learners, who acted as the control group. Each shadowing lesson wasconducted with the detailed instructions as recommended by Kadota and Tamai (2004). The datawere collected through the administration of a pre- test and a post-test. The analysis of the testscores, using a one-way ANOVA, revealed that the experimental groups (A & B) performedstatistically better in pronunciation. It also revealed that the shadowing with written script groupperformed statistically better than the without written script group. The implications of this studyare that shadowing, as a fruitful technique, can be incorporated into the teaching of thepronunciation to the EFL students. پرونده مقاله