• فهرست مقالات Grey Model

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - Measurement of Bitcoin Daily and Monthly Price Prediction Error Using Grey Model, Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network and Integrated model of Grey Neural Network
        Mahdi Madanchi Zaj Mohammad Ebrahim Samavi Emad Koosha
        One of the recent financial technologies is Block chain-based currency known as Cryptocurrency that these days because of their unique features has become quite popular. The first known Cryptocurrency in the world is Bitcoin, and since the cryptocurrencies market is a c چکیده کامل
        One of the recent financial technologies is Block chain-based currency known as Cryptocurrency that these days because of their unique features has become quite popular. The first known Cryptocurrency in the world is Bitcoin, and since the cryptocurrencies market is a contemporary one, Bitcoin is currently considered as the pioneer of this market. Since the value of the previous Bitcoin prices data have a non-linear behaviour, this study aims at predicting Bitcoin price using Grey model, Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network and Integrated Model of Grey Neural Network. Then, the prediction’s accuracy of these methods will be measured using MAPE and RMSE indices and also Bitcoin price data for a five-year period (2014-2018). The results had indicated that wen estimating Bitcoin daily prices, Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network model has the lowest absolute error rate (5.6%) compared to the Grey model and the integrated model. Additionally, for the monthly prediction of Bitcoin price, the integrated model, with the lowest absolute error rate (9%), has a better performance than the two other models. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - Forecast of climatologically events using improved grey model (Case Study: Qazvin Province Climatology)
        مریم کریمی خواجه قیاسی علیرضا علینژاد
        The theory of grey system is used when sufficient information of the community under study is not in hand. The grey forecast model is proper when the information variety is fix and certain. Grey model can apply some additional computations to improve forecasting activit چکیده کامل
        The theory of grey system is used when sufficient information of the community under study is not in hand. The grey forecast model is proper when the information variety is fix and certain. Grey model can apply some additional computations to improve forecasting activities when data is insufficient. Through using improved grey model, the assessment error decreases significantly. This study made use of the mean maximum daily temperature data collected by Qazvin meteorological station, from August 2001 to August 2013. The findings revealed that the grey model metabolism method can reduce errors and improve the precision of forecasting the mean variable of maximum daily temperature. پرونده مقاله