List of Articles historical neighborhoods Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Analyzing the role of spatial planning in neighborhoods in order to maintain and strengthen urban identity Case study: Historical neighborhoods and new neighborhoods (Mulla Sadra neighborhood) in Qazvin Mahsa Karimi Manouchehr Tabibian masoud elahi 10.22094/soij.2022.1961399.1499 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Comparison and analysis of the cognitive effect of the role of memory index on promoting the sense of belonging of residents in new and old neighborhoods in Shiraz City Shahrad PourMohammad Seyyed Alireza Shojaei Hosein Kalantari Khalil Abad Masoud Taghvaei 10.22094/soij.2021.1925708.1410 20.1001.1.23456450.2021.