Providing a Customer Experience Management (CEM) Model in Omnichannel Banking (Case Study of Bank Day)
Subject Areas : Marketing
Hamed Einipoor
Hossein Shirazi
Meysam Shafiei Roodposhti
Farideh Haghshenas Kashani
1 - PhD candidate, Department of Business Management, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
2 - PhD. Assistant Professor, Technology Management, Management, Islamic Azad University, South Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD. Associate professor, Department of marketing, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
4 - PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Tehran Markaz Branch, Islamic Azad University , Tehran, Iran
Keywords: omnichannel, customer experience management (CEM), banking industry,
Abstract :
In this study, a customer experience management (CEM) model in omnichannel banking is provided. This is an applied study in terms of objectives and mixed exploratory in terms of nature. In the qualitative section, thematic analysis is used, and in the quantitative section, the survey is used through structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical population includes senior and expert managers of Bank Day with at least 10 years of banking experience in the qualitative phase and 100 customers of Bank Day in Tehran in the quantitative phase. According to the results, the customer experience in omnichannel banking can be improved through 23 organizing themes of integrity in providing services, continuous allocation and receipt of services in complementary channels, integrated service quality, saving customer resources, customer motivation, developing bank strategy based on customer needs and information, recognizing and meeting customer needs in omnichannels, understanding the principles of customer-oriented marketing, planning and management coordination in omnichannels, planning for the promotion of customer experience culture, management of coding, classifying, documenting, and updating customer data in omnichannels, managing diverse, hybrid, and unique services, comprehensive management of customer data in omnichannels, the correct design of omnichannel implementation processes, integrated service distribution management in the network, using new customer data management methods, upgrading and updating systems, managing the operational and legal risks of systems, providing regular, systematic, and functional reports in channels, improving access indicators, improving productivity indicators of omnichannel services, and improving satisfaction indicators
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