Modifying Stress-Strain Curves Using Optimization and Finite Elements Simulation Methods
Subject Areas : EngineeringA Rezaei Pour Almasi 1 * , F Fariba 2 , S Rasoli 3
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering ,Hamedan Branch ,Islamic Azad University
3 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad university
Keywords: Optimization, Stress-Strain Curve, Modification factor, Material model,
Abstract :
Modifying stress-strain curves is one of the important topics in mechanical engineering and materials science. Real stress-strain curves should be modified after necking point as stress becomes three-dimensional after creation of throat, and consequently, equivalent stress should be used instead of axial one. Also, distribution of triple stresses across throat section is not uniform anymore, and it is not possible to calculate the stress through dividing force value by surface area. Methods presented to modify these curves mainly have some defects which enter the error resulting from simplifying assumptions into the results. Entrance of stress analysis softwares into mechanical engineering has caused use of finite elements methods in order to modify stress-strain curves. As you know, being as an input for stress analysis software, as one of the applications of these curves, has a direct effect on simulation results. Optimization methods have been developed and extended in engineering sciences. Modifying stress-strain curves may be an application of these methods. Considering the sample shape resulting from tension test as the basis in this research, we have changed the modified stress-strain curved in a way that the shape resulting from simulation coincides with the sample resulting from the test. Accordingly, the stress-strain curve has been modified, and the results have been verified, using results obtained from normal methods such as Bridgeman method.
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