Three-Dimensional Simulation of a Steel Plate Deformation as a Result of Underwater Shock Wave using Fluid-Solid Interaction
Subject Areas : EngineeringArman Jafari Valdani 1 * , Armen Adamian 2
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: tension, Von-Mises Stress, Failure, deformation, numerical simulation,
Abstract :
Present study considered deformation of a solid plate as result of external pressure wave. So, a detailed investigation of underwater explosions (UNDEX) and their effects on solid structures is the main objective of this paper. To accomplish this, numerical methods have been used to analyze the UNDEX structure qualitatively and quantitatively. Afterward, perpendicular blades are used to reinforce a marine structure. Governing equations in solid and fluid media were discretized using finite element and finite volume schemes, respectively. As for fluid-structure interaction (FSI), two-way coupling methods were used to map the results of fluid and solid media. The numerical method's validity can be confirmed by comparing numerical results with the analytical solution. Pressure-time diagrams follow the analytical solution reasonably well, indicating that the numerical method is valid. Additionally, results indicate that a pressure wave with amplitude of 20 MPa is generated by the detonation of explosive charge under water. Furthermore, reinforcement blades appear to reduce deformation in structures by increasing their resistance to explosive charges. These blades increase the strength of the plate where it could tolerate the Von-Mises stress up to 750 MPa.
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