Analytical Solutions of Finite Wedges Coated by an Orthotropic Coating Containing Multiple Cracks and Cavities
Subject Areas : Mechanics of Solids
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran , Iran
Keywords: Mode III Stress intensity factor, Hoop stress, Distributed dislocation method, Isotropic wedges, Out of plane, Orthotropic coating,
Abstract :
This paper presents a general formulation for an isotropic wedge reinforced by an orthotropic coating involving multiple arbitrarily oriented defects under out of plane deformation. The exact closed form solution of the problem weakened by a screw dislocation in the isotropic wedge is obtained by making use of finite Fourier cosine transform. Also, the closed-form solutions of the out of plane stress and displacement fields are obtained. After that, by making use of a distributed dislocation approach, a set of singular integral equations of the domain involving smooth cavities and cracks subjected to out of plane external loading are achieved. The cracks and cavities are considered to be only in the isotropic wedge. The presented integral equations have Cauchy singularity and must be evaluated numerically. Multiple numerical examples will be presented to show the applicability and efficiency of the presented solution. The geometric and point load singularities of the stress components are obtained and compared with the available data in the literature.
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